"Teach Me to Fight" • UP

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Chapter 56, Undercover Princess

A/N: Some of this story is extracted straight from Chapter 56 in 'Undercover Princess', the first instalment of the series, so the credits go to Connie Glynn.

Towards the very end of the book, Jamie questions Lottie about her true intentions whilst she was kidnapped. He reveals to her that he doesn't want her to lose herself for anyone, and it reminded me of their moment by the pool. Lottie then asks Jamie to teach her to fight so that she can protect everyone.

This is how the scene could've been if it there were a truly blossoming romance between the two of them.

"Lottie." Jamie's voice sounded uncharacteristically vulnerable and it brought back memories of the pool. Memories that, no matter how hard Lottie tried, she could never forget. They were constantly on her mind and she didn't know why.

It felt like only yesterday that the two of them stood by the pool, and Lottie held on tight to those memories, knowing that they were important to her. Especially when Jamie had leant in closer towards her, moving in to be nearer to her... Just the thought of it sent butterflies fluttering wildly in her stomach. It always did. But why?

"Lottie, I have to know something." Jamie's face was serious but there was a soft edge to it.

"Go on," she replied apprehensively, her heart thrumming faster as she looked at him, her eyes lingering a second too long on his chiselled muscles. She involuntarily blushed, and mentally willed herself to calm down. She breathed in deeply, the cinnamon in the air steadying her.

"You didn't think about Ellie when you were in danger - your only thoughts were on how to survive the situation. Correct?"

Lottie stared into his hazel eyes for a moment, her heart rate picking up at the intense gaze that he returned. "Yes." She forced herself to say it. Even if Ellie's family hadn't realised, part of her already knew that Jamie had. He seemed to know more about what she was thinking than Lottie herself did.

"Good," he said briskly.

"What?" Lottie almost choked. "I failed. I'm every bit as disappointing as you expected me to be." The words came out sorrowfully; no matter how hard she tried to impress Jamie, she never succeeded. But she found that she didn't want to impress him just to prove that she was capable - deep down, Lottie knew that there was another reason for her desire to impress him.

Jamie shook his head, a sweet smile appearing on his lips, one that she had never seen before. It looked soft and caring and genuine. "Lottie." He grabbed her shoulders and held her gaze, squeezing her slightly to hold her attention. Her heart skipped a beat and she felt a sudden jolt of excitement and nervousness run through her body all at once. 

"The only thing I could ever be truly disappointed in is myself if I lost you." The intensity in his eyes alone was enough to leave her breathless and Lottie found that she couldn't look away from his soft, warm gaze. "I don't mean you losing your life. I mean I'd be disappointed if I lost you - your character, your unwavering positivity. You must never let anything in this world take that away from you."

There was genuine concern on his face and Lottie lowered her gaze shyly, feeling a happy, glowing warmth at the knowledge that he wasn't okay with her getting hurt in Ellie's place. He cares about me, she thought to herself. Butterflies danced in her stomach as she realised this, her heart skipping another beat. And she knew what he meant - he didn't want her to have to lose any of her personality for anyone. It reminded her of the pool again, and his words replayed in her head.

"You're just a kid, Lottie."

"Well," she said, "if you're so worried about losing me, teach me to fight."

"I- what?" This was not the reply he was expecting and he faltered, tripping over his words.

Lottie quite liked seeing him flustered; he was usually so composed. "You heard me. I want you to teach me to fight, so I can protect myself and Ellie and you. My life choices aren't allowed to be your source of weakness, is that clear?"

His face went blank for a moment as if he was questioning his entire life, and then he laughed. He laughed genuinely and openly, the sound of it warming her as Lottie realised that it was the first time she'd seen him do that. She couldn't resist a smile and she gazed at him tenderly, noticing that he was finally loosening up around her.

But there was something about being in his presence that made Lottie feel incredibly nervous, yet she knew that it couldn't have been because she was still afraid of him, for she wasn't anymore. It was something else about him, but she just couldn't quite place it. He finally composed himself and smiled at her.

"You are the most unpredictable person I've ever met, and I've lived with Ellie for fifteen years," he said affectionately, a gleam in his eyes that took Lottie's breath away for some inexplicable reason.

"Is that a yes? Will you teach me?"

He rolled his eyes, but the smile remained. "Yes, I'll teach you."

She beamed at him, and felt an anticipation building in her stomach, but she didn't know what she was waiting for. It was only when he looked back into her eyes with such burning intensity and fondness did she realise something for the first time.

She liked him.

It hit Lottie hard, abruptly dawning on her. She had been ignoring her feelings for the longest time, but she saw it clearly now. Lottie finally realised that Jamie truly cared deeply for her, and she felt the same way about him. It ignited a fire in her that she used to try hard to extinguish. A fire that she hadn't even known about all this time. Until now.

I like Jamie Volk. She repeated the words over and over in her head, feeling oddly natural as she said the words mentally. I like Jamie Volk.

If only he liked me back...

Lottie. That was the only thing that was constantly on Jamie's mind. Even though he knew that he should be thinking about protecting Ellie instead. But, then again, he wasn't just thinking about protecting Lottie. He was thinking about his Pumpkin princess in general.

He loved everything about her. Since the day they first met. Her sapphire blue eyes, always sparkling with a gleam of hope; her long, golden curls cascading down her back, and her soft, rosy lips that he couldn't help but think about kissing...

No, Jamie. He thought to himself sternly, kicking the cold, hard, frozen ground outside the Maravish palace in frustration. Stop thinking about her in that way; she doesn't like you. She never will.

Looking out to the snowy grounds sprawled in front of him, his mind wandered back to their discussion last night.

"I'm every bit as disappointing as you expected me to be."

"The only thing I could ever be truly disappointed in is myself if I lost you."

For a split second, Jamie worried that he gave too much away, that he showed too many of his emotions. But it felt freeing to be able to laugh so openly in front of Lottie, and to smile at her just as he always wanted to, not hiding behind his usual vacant mask. And she made him feel happier too.

Happiness. The one thing that he felt was always missing. Or, maybe, something that he just never had in the first place. Until he met Lottie Pumpkin.

If only she liked me back...

A/N: Thanks for reading, though I apologise if it wasn't great, and that there wasn't really any proper Jottie. I will gladly take any suggestions for some chapters/scenes from the real books - one to three - that I can rewrite. (I haven't yet read the fourth book, so I would appreciate it if there are no spoilers.) I will give credits for your suggestion. I will also try to upload weekly, though I can't make any promises. Thanks again for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!

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