Chapter three

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The day of the party finally rolled around and I really didn't feel like going. It was still the morning and the party will start at around six, but I still had no motivation of going. I head out of my room still half asleep. I rub the sleep out of my eyes on the way down the stairs, but I stop when I hear hushed voices in the kitchen. My whole body strains and I listen carefully, moving my hair away from my ear and using my heightened senses to good use.

"One of the Messengers said they smelled a scent on the border." I hear Mary's soft whisper. Mary is Alec's mother and was my mother's Beta once. I press my lips into a thin line, focusing on their conversation. "I can send one of the Runners to check it out." Knox's voice flows to my ears as their conversation continues without them noticing I'm eavesdropping.

"No." My father's voice is strong, but hushed down. "It's far too risky to send one of the Runners." There's silence for some time and I hold my breath to hear better. "We have to do something." Drew's voice rings out. With him being here, there is no doubt Petra, his mate, is here. Which concludes this is a council meeting.

"What if they're back?" Petra's small voice asks and the whole kitchen becomes quiet all of a suddenly. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, as I hear Petra's question. Who the hell is they?

"Cub incoming." My father suddenly says and I press my lips tightly together. Busted, I think as I head down the rest of the stairs and appear in front of their eyes.

"Good morning." I greet, hoping they won't realize I was eavesdropping. Petra glances to me and gives me a warm smile. "Morning, pup." She greets back, using the nickname I hate the most. I narrow my eyes at her and then sigh. It won't do anything if I try to start an argument with her right now. She's only going to enjoy the fact she got under my skin.

"Good morning, Mackenzie." My father greets me, making me focus completely on him. He doesn't look really happy, which informs me he actually does know I eavesdropped. A sheepish look crosses my face and I almost hide behind Mary, who is standing by the counter. I hear my father sigh loudly, before he turns to his Betas and Gammas. "Council meeting is over. Thank you for coming so early in the morning." He thanks them and that's their cue to pile out of our house.

Knox nudges my side and gives me a smirk, his hazel eyes having a glint of mischief. I give him a small smile and then he nods and walks to the front door of our house.

"See you in the pack house right, David?" Knox calls over his broad shoulder and my father only hums as an answer. I guess that's a good enough answer for Knox, because he leaves our house and leaves me all alone with the Alpha.

"You were eavesdropping." My father says at the same time the door closes. I turn towards him with the same sheepish look I gave him before and lift my hands up in surrender. "I didn't know it was a council meeting. I'm sorry." I apologize. My father has a cold look plastered on his face, but it soon breaks and turns soft. "Just forget about what you heard." He tells me and sits down at the big dining table that allows at least fifteen people to sit. I let out a distressed noise as I grab a glass and pour the juice I took out of the fridge in.

"How can I? You guys just said there was a werewolf spotting on the border." I murmur more to myself than to him, but my father still hears. "That information is private. You shouldn't have heard anything of that." He tells me and turns around in his chair to look at me.

David Moore, the Alpha of the Polaris pack is still a handsome forty-two year old man that looks like a complete copy of my brothers. Or my brothers are a complete copy of him. He has dark brown hair just like the twins, but my father's hair is cropped completely short, while the twins are working with a disheveled kind of hairstyle that just kind of suits them. The only thing I got from my father are his eyes. Mine look identical to his.

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