Chapter two

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"Holy shit, yes! You guys should definitely go!" Samantha almost screams, her cheers of excitement not going unnoticed by the nearby tables. She usually sits with us at lunch time, since she hates the clique Tyler picked to hang out with. And to my surprise, my dumb brother doesn't even try to sit with us or convince her to sit by his side.

She was furious at first, because it looked like he cared more about the popularity than her. But since she has been sitting with us for the whole last year, she doesn't seem to care much now.

What surprises me more is that Thomas sits with Tyler's clique. Don't get me wrong, the twins are inseparable, but he fits into that group as much as a fish fits in between sharks.

"I'd love to hang out with you guys at the party. That means I won't have to suffer and listen to Sean's stupid mouth." Sam flips her black hair over her shoulder and I watch them flow down to her waist. "See! I told you we should go!" Natalie smirks towards me and I let out a deep sigh. I cannot win against all three of them now that they've teamed up. "Still-" "No, no. You're all going and you'll be under my wing." Sam cuts me off and I give her another bitter look. Under her wing? This is going to be amusing.

I glance over to Tyler's table, seeing how he bumps his shoulder into Sean Ackerman's shoulder, his best player in lacrosse. My brother is the team captain of the lacrosse team of Beacon Hills high school and I have to say, he's amazing at it. Even though I hate to admit that.

"I don't really want to go." I mumble, seeing how the cheerleaders at Tyler's table notice that I'm looking towards them. They point towards me and giggle. I press my lips together and look away from them, glancing down to whatever is supposed to be on my plate, because these are definitely not meatballs. "You don't want to go because of the bitch squad?" Samantha looks down on me from her spot on the table, her feet resting on the seat by me. She then looks to the popular table and her grey eyes narrow at the cheerleaders.

"Let's show them who is top dog." Natalie cheers, having a wide smile on her lips. She's going to give me a heart attack one of these days. By the way she's talking about all of this it would be like she knew.

"You're starting from the bottom of the chain, Nat. I don't think you could ever show me who top dog is." A voice behind me says and I don't have to turn around to see who it is. I grit my teeth together, trying to control my anger before it goes out of hand.

Behind me stands the captain of the cheerleading team and one of the most popular girls on school that hates Samantha, just because she's with my brother. I look over my shoulder, seeing how her ginger hair is pulled up in a high ponytail and secured with a bow. She's wearing a black mini skirt today and a hot pink button up, with a black designer jacket over it. I glance up to meet her dark brown eyes, my lips still pressed tightly into a thin line.

"I don't think we told you to open your plastic mouth up, Charlie." I answer back, using her nickname, just like she used it for Natalie. Charlotte's fake sweet smile drops and she glares down at me. I feel how tense Sam becomes and the anger practically flows off her and on to me. We have a problem.

"Moore. I didn't even see you sitting there. You're really just that insignificant." Charlotte tells me with a fake sweet voice. I clench my hand into a fist and try to control my fast beating heart before I explode in anger. "Beat it, Talbot." Alec finally speaks up, narrowing his eyes at her. Charlotte looks up towards him and then suddenly bursts out laughing. Her laugh bounces off the walls of the cafeteria and brings the attention of many students, which results in the whole cafeteria to stare at us.

"How cute. Didn't know your boyfriend fights your battles for you, Moore." My blood boils when she says that and I already stand up from the chair, but I feel how Samantha's hand grabs my forearm and she pulls me back.

"Zip it and leave, Talbot." The raven haired female warns the ginger before us. It's three against one right now, I'm sure Charlotte will figure that the odds are in our favor. And she does, that's why two of her minions from the popular table stand up and head towards us to help her out.

My breathing becomes heavy all of a suddenly and I feel a tingling feeling through my whole body. It dances all over my body and sparks something in my muscles. Samantha's grip tightens on my forearm, a warning squeeze to calm myself down.

"Chick fight!" I hear someone yell through the cafeteria and I almost let a growl pass my lips. I turn my hands into fists and dig my nails harshly into the palms of my hands to remind myself I can't lash out here. I feel the tinging feeling slowly fade away and my breathing becomes normal again.

"I'd rather see you girls fighting in a bed or something, not out here in the cafeteria." Paul Clancy our savior!

The male has a sloppy grin on his face and he walks around me, Sam and the cheerleaders, his arm hooking around my shoulders. He looks towards Charlotte with that lopsided grin, while she scrunches her nose in disgust.

"In your dreams, Clancy." She scoffs and then turns around with her friends to head back to the popular table. I notice how Thomas sits back down at the table. He stood up the second he saw me losing it, the only goal in his mind to break the fight and calm me down. But now that Paul saved the day he could relax. Tyler didn't even react to the argument, he just sat back and watched how his sister and his mate face off the popular girls. In a way it bothered me, because we are a pack and we need to guard each other's backs, but then again I want to fight my own battles.

"I was wondering when you're going to show up." I hear Alec say behind me, as Paul unhooks his arm from around me. The brunette beside me turns to my best friend in the pack and smiles. "Didn't really feel like coming to school today, but I was bored at home." Paul answers and sits down on the seat beside mine.

Sam finally let's go of my arm and we share a look between us. She nods a little and then turns her attention to Paul, while I sit down at the table again.

Paul Clancy is what you call a genius. He has straight A's without even studying, excels in sports and is practically a hacker with his computer abilities. A person would think Paul is a robot, but he is more human than anybody in our small friend group.

"Oh so you came to school, because you were bored at home, not because you missed us?" Natalie fake pouts, finally regaining her ability to speak after the encounter with Charlotte. I notice how Sam looks towards Tyler, a sad expression lining her features. She wanted him to stand up for her back there, even though she has a female Alpha personality going on.

Sam was a Rouge for a very long time before she found Tyler and figured out he's her mate. Of course father quickly accepted her into the pack and she had to learn how to trust werewolves again. Her previous pack wasn't anywhere near gentle with her and she still wears the scars of her previous Alpha who tormented her.

Maybe that's exactly why Tyler didn't do anything. Because she wears this female Alpha personality so well, she comes off unbreakable. Or maybe he didn't do anything just because he's an idiot.

"So, what's the hot news of today?" Paul's voice brings me out of my thoughts and I turn my crystal blue eyes to him. Nat suddenly jumps up in her chair like she just remembered what we were talking about before Charlotte swung around. "We are trying to convince Mackenzie to tag along to tomorrow's party." Natalie exclaims and turns her big eyes towards me. Paul glances towards me first, his chestnut brown eyes looking from me to Nat. "Wait. Did you say just Mack?" Paul questions and I notice how Alec rolls his eyes.

"Yes, you heard her right. I caved and said I'm going along." Paul grins from ear to ear all of a suddenly and then looks towards me as if he is expecting me to give in as well with just one look. I look away from Alec's human best friend and look down at the plate that I haven't even touched. "I'll think about it." Is my final answer before I push away from the table and head out of the cafeteria without my friends.

I stop in the hallway and glance down at my hands with a frown. I almost lost control of my wolf and half shifted in front of everybody. It's not like I can fully shift into a wolf yet. My dad calls me a special late bloomer which gets me even more depressed about my shift.

Everyone that is already my age has shifted one or two years ago. I'm turning seventeen in three months and my first shift still hasn't happened. Father says late bloomers are always special. It's just a matter of time before I fully shift and see what's supposed to be so special about me.

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