"I agree," Jack chuckled. "From what I can tell of him so far. He seems to be the kind of man who is impressed by anything from standard society. I have never met anyone who was excited to meet me."

A small giggle came from Catherine at that, surprising Jack and herself. She glanced at her feet then back to Jack, seeing a kind of look in his eye she couldn't figure out what it was. "Forgive my father, he gets overly enthusiastic about things that he finds exciting."

Jack leaned his side against the railing that overlooked the deck, resting on his elbows, grinning. "Don't be, quite a charming man, good man. I like him very much." He nodded.

His words made Catherine give a good, genuine smile. "Thank you," and she meant it. There weren't many people who seemed to adore her father as much as she did. Jack's words, the meant a lot to hear.

The pirate mirrored her smile, slowly morphing it into his signature grin. "And his daughter isn't so bad too." Catherine raised a brow, giving him a small glare that made him chuckle.

Jack pushed himself off of the railing and straighten up, draping a hand over it. "Why is it you are such a rare gem compared to the many pearls of woman?"

A confused look washed over Catherine's face. "Beg pardon?"

He fully faced her. "You're different, why?"

A blunt rephrasing that made her blink as if someone blew air in her face.


Catherine let out a breath and slipped her hands from the wheel, taking a few steps closer to Jack. "Because I read, I think, I dream, I believe...I know my value, I know my worth. I use my mind and care more about it than most. My tongue tends to get me into more trouble than I can count." This made her grin a little, as well as Jack. "I don't know. I have always been different. Men can't stand my mind, views, ideas, or words. Woman can't tolerate my unladylike tendencies and everything else," she waved her had at the thought. "But I don't care what anyone else thinks. And I certainly refuse to restrict and conform myself to be what society tells me to be, or who I should be."

A smirk rested on his lips. "Fire, spirit, and ferocity. All things I like in a woman."

"I'm so glad I have your approval." Catherine rolled her eyes.

"Someone who doesn't take anything from anyone else." The pirate found himself nodding as he thought, looking over Catherine until he met her eyes. "You truly are a treasure, Catherine."

She remined silent, feeling her cheeks begin to turn been.

"And what of you and William, you both never...?"

"Oh god no!" A loud laugh came from Catherine. "For a moment, we thought we would be romantically involved but we knew we were just better as friends. Besides, he and Elizabeth are in love with each other even if they won't admit it." It still always made her laugh how she could see it but they both could not.

Jack nodded slowly, understanding. "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"No special someone in your life? Someone who you'd risk your neck and die to save?"

Catherine never had anyone in her life like that.

She's never been in love before.

She probably never will.

"No." She spoke quietly, moving her gaze from him.

Jack remained silent at her short response, almost provoking her to ask, "What about you? Don't you pirates tend to have a soft spot for a woman, one who you consider your greatest treasure?" The lightness in Catherine's question tried to hid the sting she was feeling. She refused to look to him until he spoke.

"I prefer the company of a woman, yes." He responded, nodding his head. "But I don't find myself falling in love with someone unless it is the sea."

This felt like another blow to her stomach.

A blow she couldn't exactly understand why it felt such as one.

"You don't want to fall in love? You don't want to find your soulmate? Someone to love and cherish? Some to whose needs you put before your own for once, in hopes it grants them such happiness that you find your needs to be not met because you have insured their happiness?"

Disgust swirled in Catherine's tone as she narrowed her eyes at the pirate.

To think, he could have a redeeming quality after all.

Blinking to raise her chin forward, Catherine shook her head, ignoring Jack's face as he opened his mouth to justify, but she cut him off. "The company of a woman is more enjoyable, of course, I should have expected that from someone like you." She spat in a low, spiteful tone, finished with her conversation with the pirate.

Before any one of them could speak again, Will appeared up the helm, looking over at Jack and Catherine. "What is going on?" He asked slowly, suspicion hinting in his voice, as he looked between the two.

Catherine turned to face him. "Jack was just showing me how to steer the ship." She brushed past Will, keeping her gaze from the men. "I'll leave the sailing to Tortuga to you." She said to no one in particular, eager to get a distance from the helm.

And with that, she disappeared down the stairs and sat herself on the barrel for the rest of the trip to the island.

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a great week last week and hope you all enjoyed this chapter! It's at 1k! Thank you all for the continuous love and support

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