We ran outside and suddenly when we got there he let go of my hand, he disappeared into the battle and I kept calling him trying to find him.

Green and red lights were in the sky as death eaters began to kill people.

I got scared and panicked. I felt dizzy and held my head. Not now! I told myself. It's not the right moment to faint!

But my breath became heavier with every second. My heart was racing and everything blurred out. I felt a warm hand hold my right hand and the other my left.

I opened my eyes and Ruby and Grayson were smiling at me.

Grayson let go of my hand to defend us with a spell, which came from a death eater.

Ruby let go of my other hand to defend us from another spell.

Suddenly, more and more death eaters began to sorround the three of us and we turned our backs against each other. We casted spells at them and in the end, we managed to defeat them.

We walked to the place, where everyone was and split up.

I was walking backward, defending myself from spells. Then I heard an explosion and looked to the side. A wall exploded.

I walked slowly closer and as I approached it, I fell.

,,Fred!" I shouted and hugged his dead body.

,,No, Fred! No, tell me you're joking. Wake up, Fred!" I shouted, but in all that chaos, nobody heard anything I said.

Percy was next to me and he took Fred away.

,,Go ahead and fight, I'll take him." He said through his glassy eyes, which he tried to hide. I nodded slowly and walked back to the crowd.

The first horror. The first death I saw today.

My tears didn't leave my eyes.

I ran into the castle, exhausted and unable to continue fighting. When I was down I saw Ron and Hermione running downstairs, death Eaters chasing them.

,,Glisseo!" I shouted, causing the stairs to flatten into a chute.

Hermione looked back and gave me a quick smile.

Once again, Voldemort's voice was in my and everyone's head, telling everyone they had one hour.

I walked into the great hall, where everyone should be gathered and opened the doors.

Everyone was comforting each other or sitting beside dead people. I saw the Weasleys next to Fred and wanted to give them their time.

After everything, we heard footsteps coming from outside.

,,Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort shouted and everyone walked outside.

We all were looking at Hagrid, carrying Harry's dead body.

,,Harry Potter is dead." He repeated and laughed. He stopped and death eaters laughed along. ,,Come forward and join us." He said and nobody moved.

I looked into the crowd and my eyes landed on Draco. He turned his head and we looked at each other. A little did I know he sees the fear in my eyes.

,,Draco." His father called him and he looked at him.

,,Draco." Narcissa repeated and this time he walked towards them.

My heart dropped. Was that it? Was that the end? I thought love will win in the end?

,,(y/n)!" Voldemort grinned at me and my head shot to him. Everyone looked at me confused, wondering why he was calling me and why he knew my name.

He opened his arms and motioned me to come over.

Draco looked at me. I turned my head and looked to my side, only to see everyone staring at me.

,,Come." He whispered again.

,,(y/n)?" Ruby looked at me in the eyes and the first time ever, I saw a little disappointment in her eyes.

,,I'm sorry." I whispered and looked over to Grayson. He was clearly mad, not even looking at me.

I walked slowly towards Voldemort and as I approached him, Harry jumped out of Hagrid's grip.

Everyone gasped and Harry ran, Voldemort trying to hit him with spells.

,,Potter!" Draco shouted and threw his wand to Harry. Harry grabbed it and defended himself.

Death eaters began to disappear and Bellatrix was shouting at them.

Draco took the opportunity and ran towards me, as everyone, once again, split up to fight once more.

,,You idiot!" I punched his chest and cried silently.

,,You were gone! The whole battle! I was scared and others took care of me. And you-" He interrupted me with a hug. I cried into his chest.

,,I'm sorry, I had to. Otherwise they would've killed you. If- if they saw you with me, they would've killed you, (y/n)." He said terryfied.

I cupped his cheeks and kissed him quickly.

,,Together." He said and held my hand.


We ran into the castle. Everyone was trying to kill each other.

In the end, we managed to kill the death eaters, as well was my father.

I ran outside to check on Harry, only to see a green and a red light. I closed my eyes and Draco ran towards me. He stopped next to me and we watched them.

When there was no light, we looked at each other and then at Harry.

Voldemort was defeated.

I looked at Harry in disbelief.

,,Draco." I whispered and he was still looking at Voldemort. ,,Draco." I turned around and shook his arm. ,,We won! Draco, we did it." I cheered and hugged him tightly. He was still in shock and hugged me back slowly.

,,We did it?" He whispered in disbelief.

,,We did it, Draco, we did it! There's no dark side. We'll have a happy life, Draco." I cried in happiness and he buried his head in the crook of my neck.

People began to come out of the castle.

I ran towards Ruby and Grayson and hugged the both of them.

,,I'm so sorry." I whispered and they hugged me back.

,,Love wins in the end." Ruby whispered and I smiled.


I looked back at Draco and ran towards him, giving him a kiss on the lips.

,,I love you, (y/n)." He whispered, his forehead against mine.

,,I love you, too, Draco." I whispered.


The next chapter will be the last one :/

Hope you enjoyed !


Draco x reader Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora