Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

Something told me to get up and start running towards the castle that was in the distance. I put all my force into running. I felt like I was running at inhuman speed. I didn’t stop running until I was in front of the castle doors.

I surprisingly open the doors without any trouble. My body leads me to a random path around the castle. I run up a spiral stair case that takes me to two more double doors. Without hesitation, I push the double doors back.

The room was huge. Probably bigger than my whole house. Straight ahead of me was five thrones; but only one was occupied. By the man who was in my last dream.

He had a knowing smirk on his face and his hand was taping the throne’s arm rest. He motions me to come closer by waving his hand.

“Welcome Athena.” He says in his deep voice. Like the last time we met, I almost melt at his words. But this time is different. This time I know who he actually is. I clench my fist together and stalk to I’m in front of his throne.

“I knew you’d come back.” He says looking down at his hand. “So you’re here to up my offer on my marriage proposal, am I correct?” He asks. I almost laugh. I forgot all about his proposition. What does it matter anyway, this is just a dream. Right?

“Ha, no. I really don’t know why I’m here. One minute I’m in a car crash, trying to get rid of Emery or whoever the hell he is; and another minute I wake in a Mental Hospital. You tell me why I’m here; because really, I have no damn clue.” I say through clench teeth. The expression on Lucifer’s face was scary. His smirk that once sat proudly on his face was now gone and replaced with a vicious snarl.

“Jemrikaja!” He booms. His voice carries all around the room and possibly outside the castle. I almost flinch at his voice. A familiar face makes his way into the room.

A cigarette in his hand and an annoyed expression plastered on his face. His black hair looks like he ran his hands through it too many times. He looks really stressed and frustrated.

I gasp; what is he doing here?

“What?!” Emery raises his voice at Lucifer. Lucifer takes a deep calming breath and points to me.

“Care to explain what she’s doing here?” He says in a scary calm voice. Emery takes a glance at me and shrugs.

“She died; I guess.” He says nonchalantly. He takes a deep puff of his cigarette and looks back at Lucifer.

Lucifer seems to calm down a bit, probably not realizing that, that was a possibility. A smirk now plays at his beautiful face.

But I start to freak out. I can’t be dead, can I? All I did was hit my head on the glass window! But after that I woke up. The lady told me that I made this all up! So I didn’t really get in a car crash did I? Or did I? Was I just making up the whole part in being in a mental institute? Maybe I just made up the whole week. Maybe Jesse and Emery didn’t exist; and I didn’t wake up in a mental institute! Maybe I’m dreaming now, and when I wake up it’ll be just me waking up in my bed. Maybe I dreamed the whole week. I’m just too confused to think properly. My head starts to hurt.

“Wait, I can’t be dead. How could I have died?” I say with my eyes squinted closed. I put my hand over my head, trying to get rid of this headache that was starting to form.

“I don’t know. You took a pretty big hit in the head when you hit that hospital floor.” I hear Emery say. How did he see that? I thought I made him up. If I made him up then why is he here now?

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