Chapter Twenty Two

Start bij het begin

Once the ring was on my finger I felt a surge of electricity come through me. I quickly hop to my feet and scan the area with newfound strength and confidence.

The two men that were talking before look at me in shock.

They’re repulsive. They were covered in dirt and grime and only were wearing rags as their clothing. They had barely any hair; and the hair they did have looks greasy and stringy. By the look of their torsos, I knew that they were starved. Their ribs where outlined to the most definition and their pale dirty skin was sunken in.

I hold back my cringe.

“I thought you said she was dead, Yandal!” Ohala yells. Yandal shrugs and studies me.

“It doesn’t matter. She’s too scrawny to eat anyways. But she’s a pretty one. I’m sure master will love her. Maybe if we bring her to him, he’ll reward us with food. Maybe even a human.” Yandal responds with a sinister smile. I shudder under his stare.

“Who are you?” I ask demandingly. I don’t know where I got this sudden wave of confidence.

“Who are you?” Yandal asks back. He draws something from his back.

A sword.

I take a fighting stance.

“I’m your worst nightmare. You don’t want to waste my time or I’ll…“ I say trailing off. Yandal smirks.

“You’ll what?” He asks tauntingly, narrowing his eyes.

“I’ll—I’ll eat you!” I say in a strong voice. I see Ohala and Yandal flinch the slightest bit.

“Oh no! Please don’t eat us! We’re nothing but skin and bones and I’m pretty sure we won’t taste good at all—“ Ohala starts but Yandal punches him in his side.

“You’re not going to eat us. And why should we listen to you? All you are is just a kid.” Yandal asks with a knowing smirk.

I need to think of something quick! “Um…um…Well you should listen to me because…um, I am the Chosen One!” I say. This time I see frighten looks in both of their faces.

“The Chosen One! As in THE CHOSEN ONE? Oh Satan. Oh Satan. Oh dear Satan! We must get you to master before he finds out you’re here!” Yandal rambles frighten.

“Come Chosen One. Follow us. We must get you to Father before all hell breaks loose.” Yandal pushes me with the tip of his sword. “Come on now. We don’t have all day!” He yells.

Before he could push me again I grab the sword and yank it out of his hand. I turn it around so that the tip was now at the middle of Yandal’s throat. Ohala starts to cry.

“Who is this Master you speak of?” I ask demandingly. I see Yandal’s adams apple bob as I press the sword deeper into his throat.

“Speak now or I’ll kill you!” I yell.

“M-ma-master is t-the ru-ruler of t-the king-kingdom.” He says sobbing. Maybe this master could get me the hell out of here—wherever I was.

“If I want to go to your Master, then I’ll go on my own freewill; not by the command of whoever you are.” I say. I remove the sword from his throat, turn around, and start to walk towards where a castle looks to be.

About after two steps of walking on my own freewill, the ground starts to shake violently. I fall from where I was standing and land on my knee hard. “Ah!” I screech preparing for the pain that never came.

“Master has found out!” I hear Ohala’s voice shout. Master has found out what? That I’m here? Who’s master, anyway?

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