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So this chapter isn't very vivid so I'm sorry - people I know in real life read this - but I uploaded within a few days so hope you like it!

Vegas P.O.V

Demi wasn't allowed to come in in the ambulance because of what I said, but she tried a lot. She begged to come, but in the end I won the debate and she wasn't allowed to.

We'd barely started to drive, before I passed out again.



After two weeks lay in a hospital bed and stuck in my house with a minor broken arm, sprained leg and two broken ribs, I was finally let home. My mum had found out, and but I had been out of it at the time, so the doctors explained what had happened. I wouldn't have been able to do it anyway. I'd promised her after last time that I wouldn't try to do it again, but I broke the promise.

I dressed into my school uniform, choosing to wear tights to cover up my thighs that were covered in dark scars.

I walked to school, having to go through the shorter but less safe way, because my leg still hurt.

It was the wrong fucking decision.

I was round the corner from the school gates when Josh came round the corner from the carpark with Demi, Brooke and another three people that I couldn't remember the names of.

"Oi, fag,"Josh smirked as he watched me limp closer to him with every painful step, and he advanced towards me, followed by his mates.

I retracted like I always do, stupidly pressing up against the wall, making myself more vulnerable, when the first blow came.

It hit into my stomach, making me double over in pain. I groaned, and then a kick shot up my gut. I yelped and dropped to the ground as my feet were sweeped from under my legs, making me land on the ground on my knees. I moaned in pain and hunched up into a protective ball, but Josh pulled my legs down and kicked my ribs.

"You're a queer lesbian without a purpose in this world," He spat, laughing at my pain, "and every impact we make on you, is deserved."

I screamed in pain as I felt Brookes strong hand slapped my cheek. My head shot to the ground, wacking against the pavement and I felt blood trickle down my forehead and  across my eyebrows, glabella and face.

"If everyone was as gay as you, the human race would be extinct." Brooke growled, smirking yet deadly serious.

Everyone started to hit me, kicking and punching my body as I whimpered in pain.

After what felt like forever, they stopped, and I looked up to them, my body numb, to see Demi look down at me with a face of apology. She kicked me in the stomach, then laughed and walked off.

It wasn't sorrow, it was hate. I saw it wrong. She'll never say sorry for it.

Demi P.O.V

I wanted to do something to help Vegas , to jump in front of her and shield her from the blows, but I couldn't. And I literally kicked her.

Fucking idiot.

I went to the girls toilets, smacking myself on the head repetively because I knew what I had done was wrong.

I stayed in the toilets for a few moments, before standing up and walking out. "Stupid idiot, she'll hate me now, if she didn't already." I muttered before clutching my stomach.

I felt a shoot of pain go through my gut. I bit my lip and doubled over. It wasn't like period pains, so I was slightly confused.

"Josh I don't feel well" I mumbled one I got to him, pressing my head into his chest.

"Baby, what's up?" He asked concerningly, kissing my forehead fondly and hugging me into his chest.

"I don't know..." I mumbled, one hand on my stomach the other round his chest.

"Do you want me to give you a lift home?" He asked me, lifting my chin up so I was looking at him.

He kissed my lips softly, and I kissed back for a few seconds before pulling away.

"Y-yeah" I nodded, nuzzling my face into his neck.

He swept me up into his arms with ease and walked out the school building, towards his car.

He opened the passengers side and slipped me in, and got in the other side.



Josh was sat on my sofa next to me, and I was cuddled into his chest.

"How're you feeling, babe?" Josh asked me quietly as we watched The Little Mermaid on the TV.

"A b-bit better" I said, but I was shaking. He turned to me, kissing my lips before trailing his tongue along my lower lip. I opened my mouth, as his tongue explored my mouth aimlessly.

I knew what was coming next.

Vegas P.O.V

I groaned in pain after they left, stretching my limbs out to subside the pain tomorrow, and gasped. After letting myself get used to the pain, I stood up and slowly walked to the school, towards the girls bathroom, and saw Josh carrying Demi out the building.

Probably stubbed her toe so she wants to go home.

I looked in the bathroom mirror and pressed my lips together. My lip was swollen, my eye turning black, and my forehead was still bleeding, and that was only my face. The rest of my body was probably purple and black, barely a trace of my snow white skin left.



I forced myself through the rest of the day, despite the fact that all I wanted to do was go home and stay in a ball, crying, for the rest of eternity. No one at school questioned my bruises.

I got home that evening and shot up to my room, making the excuse I had homework, and pulled out my phone.
No new messages.

Something must have gone wrong with my phone, because I usually always had loads of messages from Josh and his mates. I threw my phone onto the bed, and sat on my computer, starting my homework.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2015 ⏰

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