Chapter 3

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Some of these people were giving a weird and dangerous look as if they wanted something from me, I wonder if anything wrong would happen. As I was starting to get lost in my thoughts I couldn't hear Miya calling me by my name "Y/n!" "Uh yes?" "I've been calling you for ten minutes, what wrong?" I didn't want to admit that I was nervous "nothing Is wrong" I said, he made a 'are you sure' face "it's nothing really I'm um just a little bit nervous" I said while playing with my fingers " don't worry about it like I said even if you lose I'd win for you next time" he said giving a reassuring smile, I smiled back.

As Miya finished his sentence some guy bumped into me causing me to bump close to Miya our noses were practically touching, I blushed as I realized what has happened Miya was slightly blushing I really couldn't tell because of the lights, as I backed away from him the guy that I bumped into turned around "Hey kid! Watch where your going didn't your parents teach you how to respect to people older than you! You know this isn't a place for children Go Back Home!"

After he said about something bad about my parents Miya punched the guy making his noise bleed, I was holding Miya by his waist preventing from him from attacking the man any further. "Y/n I'm calm you can let me go now!" He said normally while his face expression has different"you should tell that to your face Miya" as I held on tighter to him. The man that Miya hit group came "Hey you! Brats look at what you've done!" An older girl said to us "I want beef now!" The one that Miya punched yell at him. He smirked and responded "your on, winner gets 51,754.50 yen" "51,754.50 yen!!" His group yelled at the same time.

After the group discussed whatever that happen, I wasn't thinking about anything or anyone I wasn't nervous anymore and all I wanted was to crush the man and the his group both mentally and physically. I tried to break Miya from his thoughts, "Miya are you sure about this, don't get me wrong I like that your doing this for me but 51,754.50 yen? If you lose where are you going to get that kind of money?" "Don't worry I'll win" he said as he gave a happy and confident look, he tried to walk away but I grabbed his hand, I looked at the floor my h/c covering my face as he tried to look at my face "Y/n what's wrong?, I can't turn back now." "I know that, but" "but?" I leaned close to him booping out noses together we both blushed "good luck then, Miya" I said as moved away from him.

To be honest I wasn't worried at all I knew Miya was going to win but why 51,754.50 yen? And also why did he hit that guy? So many questions are in my mind but as the race started I was wondering who would go against, maybe it's the guy who bumped into me I doubted it because he was bleeding from his nose, maybe it was another person from his group. As I was thinking I saw somebody from yesterday the red haired guy along with the light blue haired one. I saw the light blue haired one taping his feet to the board I thought to myself 'what is this goofball doing?' And then i suddenly realized that the guy and his group was gone and so was Miya, 'where did they go' I asked to myself. As I was finished thinking I saw the light blue haired guy trying to move forward, while his opponent who's name I just catched from the crowd his name has Shadow, he gained the lead leaving Langa behind. I wonder who would win and where is Miya?

So... I'm copy-pasting the first chapters and I accidentally copied the number of comments. So if you see random numbers at the end of a paragraph it's the number of comments it had.

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