Make it or break it, the MX way

Start from the beginning


At 4 am, I quietly slip out of the house, making sure not to wake anyone and make it to my truck. I can barely keep my eyes open but gotta make this 10 hour drive somehow. Once I am in town I stop and grab two large coffees and hit the road. Windows down, cool morning air blowing through my hair and music blasting. I love it when it's just me and no one else. Nothing else matters. There is no pressure on making the race. Making a big enough expression on the big guys and getting a ride. Just me and the roads. This is one of the reasons why I wanted to drive and wouldn't let Jett come with me, even though he begged for days. As much as I love being around my boys I need me time too.

As the hours pass, the sun rises, and the coffees disappear. My drive is almost over. As I pull into the track, reality starts to set in, seeing all the big rigs and officials running around. After I sign all the waivers and get my pass I drive around till I find a shaded out of the way spot and pull in. I climb out and let out a breath and mutter,

"I hope I am ready for this."


After a few hours of unloading, setting up and getting organized. I set up my sleeping spot on the bed of the truck and go to go to sleep for the night. As soon as I am almost drifted of, I hear my phone buzz. I groan debating on if I should check it or not, it buzzes again. I roll over and grab it off the back truck window and see its a text from Chase. I feel something twist inside me at his name, but I open his text anyways,

C: Hey, did you make it alright? Where you hiding at?

S: Hey, yes I did, bout 2 hours ago. I am back in the far left corner behind the extra parking sign."

After a few minutes of no reply, I lay back down and relax, looking up at the rapidly darkening sky. Next thing I know is someone is crawling into the bed of my truck. I spring up with a bat in my hands only to hear a familiar chuckle. As my eyes focus on the face I realize it's Chase. As I try and steady my racing heart I smack him with my pillow,

"Damn it Chase! I could have killed you stupid!"

All I get in response is a laugh as he flops down next to me with a sigh, he digs his face into a pillow and just lays there. I feel myself frown in worry. I lay back down and turn my face towards him and ask softly,

"Hey, are you ok?"

After a minute or two, I figure he wasn't going to answer. As I go to get myself comfy again he speaks up,

"I miss this, just chilling with cool people, a cool girl, no worries in the world. I'm not The Chase Sexton Pro Factory Racer. I'm just Chase, the guy who just wants to live his life. And not always being asked questions all the time, or judged 24/7. Not that I'm not incredibly thankful for getting where I am but, I just need time to be me, ya know?"

I hm'ed as I gaze up at the stars in the sky as I think about what he just opened up to me about. I think about all the things I could say, but none of them seem right. So before I could think about what I was doing, I rolled over onto my side and hugged him. I could feel him stiffen for a second before melting into me. I could feel all the tension leave him, I realize he needs someone to lean on, someone to talk too, someone to trust and for some reason he picked me. I may not understand why, but I wouldn't let him down. As we lay there tangled up with each other, something clicked. I have no idea what exactly but as we fall asleep I realize, I wouldn't change it for the world. I rather liked it if I was to be honest.


After what only felt like minutes, we were woken up by bikes running in the early morning air. As we both looked at each other, we both blinked before jumping up and freaking out over if we were late. I happen to see my phone and the time. I relax with a laugh and turn to tell Chase,

"Relax, we got 2 hours before press."

He looks at me, lets his head fall back and sighs in relief,

"Oh thank god, for a minute I thought I was screwed"

After he said that, he looked back down at me his glaze softens and he gives me a lazy smile that makes my heart stop and says,

"Thanks for last night, I really needed that."

I blink as I feel a blush spread up my neck, and I look down at the ground with a shy smile,

" Anytime, we all need a break right?"

He made a agreeing sound as he walked towards me. Right as I looked up and noticed his face was inches from mine, he leaned in and right before his lips touched mine he moved to my cheek and pecked it. As he leaned back he gave me a lopsided smile and said,

"Good luck today, but you don't need it. I know you will go out there and show them there's a new girl in town and she isn't to be messed with, just be safe, ok? Don't give me a heart attack now."

My hand reaches up and holds my cheek, I can feel myself stummer,

"Um, yeah of course. Oh! You too! Or I will bust out my flip flop!"

I freeze as my cheeks turn red and he laughs,

"Careful now, some guys may like that."

And with a wink, he turned around waving over his shoulder. Just before he was out of sigh it clicked in my head what he meant. And I couldn't help but laugh as I smack my face with my hand. As I turn and look at my bike I can feel the carefree air dissipate. And I couldn't help but say,

"Well, this is it. Showtime, let's make it or break it baby!"

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