I feel so numb...or maybe not (aideku) (edited)

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In this au izuku's is depressed and suicidal but he put a mask on so everyone would think he's happy all the time but after seeing his boyfriend bakugo cheat on him with his best friend todoroki on their anniversary, was the last straw for him so, he let his mask fall little by little and Aizawa noticed his change in behavior and he was getting worried about him.  by the way Aizawa is aged down to like 23 and midoriya is 18 and bakugo never bullied him and the song was an inspiration on this au and start the song when I say if you want

Suicidal thoughts
Suicide attempt
Angst with a happy ending and that's all so on with the story

Izuku's pov

I was walking to my boyfriend's dorm, kacchan (I think that's how you spell it) and I have been dating for a year and today is our anniversary, I wonder what were gonna do if I'm completely honest kacchan is my happiness and keeping me from killing my self, I've been depressed and suicidal for a while, I mean I cut to help stop the voices in my head and it....it feels good. While I was getting closer I started to hear a noise like..was that moaning? and it's coming from kacchan's .....dorm?!

So I walk closer and it is moaning! I open the door and my heart drops

There on the bed was todoroki and kach-no bakugo having s*x, they haven't noticed me yet until I drop the bag that was for our anniversary.

They instantly freeze and look at the door, bakugo was the first to act "b-baby it's not what it looks like" he gets up off the bed, covering up and coming to me I'm completely frozen and crying, "really b-because it looks like you w-were f*cking my best friend"I yell, he tries to touch me but I push him away and I yell" you k-know what we're done I'm b-breaking up with you" his face looks like he's about to cry " please don't do this I-it was a mistake" at this point I'm angry and crying "then why do it in the first place, w-What happened to our promise huh" he tried to touch me again "No don't touch me" I look at todoroki and say "I thought we were friends todoroki" he looks at me guilty "w-we are friends" I'm full on crying and I say quietly "well friends don't betray each other like this, I-I hope you both are happy with each other" I smile while crying and I walk away once I'm on my floor I run to my door, I lock it and I slide down the wall crying and have the urge to cut, when I hear the voice

-See I told you he never loved you

-Go away

-You're so worthless

-Stop it

-you were never good enough for him

-s-stop, please

-give in already you know you want to, it's the only way to make me stop

I give in and I get up and pull my razor out and pull my sleeves up and I cut...It stings but it feels good.

One, for being worthless
Two, for being a mistake
Three, for not being enough for him
I keep cutting and Soon it's ten,
Then sixteen
Then it's twenty

I soon stop and I get up to go to the bathroom and clean up to bandage my arms, I then get ready for bed, I'm not hungry so I just go to sleep, my last thought was  'I feel so numb inside'

It's been a week since then and it's now Friday Still izuku's pov

Today's the day I'm going to end my pain. I've been ignoring everyone, I don't smile anymore I barely talk, I'm letting my mask fall, I'm done.....I'm done with life I don't have anything to live for, my mom won't need me she can live without me, I mean there is Mr. Aizawa, he's the only one I'll miss, I've always had a crush on him even when I was with bakugo I still have a crush on him but he'll be fine it's not like he cares about me. All well, the bell rang so it's time to go I wrote a letter to Mr. Aizawa saying my goodbye and that I like him and where I'll be and a video of a song I wrote to tell him how I felt and why did it, I handed it to him and told him to read it later and alone he gave me a confused face but said ok, I smile at him one last time and walked away my face going back to emotionless...I walk away to where I'm doing it but first I'm gonna see mom one last time so I head home one last time.

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