Prologue - First Battle of Geonosis

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(Hi) - Alien language
Hi - Thoughts

3rd pov:

On the planet of Geonosis there is a meeting going on deep within a facility. The attendees of this meeting are none other than the Separatist Council who are currently discussing a treaty and their droid army.

Count Dooku: As I explained to you earlier, I am quite convinced that 10,000 more systems will rally to our cause with your support, gentlemen.

Shu Mai: (What you are proposing could be construed as treason.)

Wat Tambor: The Techno Union army...

Electronic warbling interrupted him as he began to adjust a knob on his breastplate. Once the noise stopped he continued speaking.

Wat Tambor: at your disposal, Count.

San Hill: The Banking Clan will sign your treaty.

Count Dooku: Good. Very good.

Dooku then gestured over to two aliens on his right as he spoke.

Count Dooku: Our friends from the Trade Federation have pledged their support, and when their battle droids are combined with yours, we shall have an army greater than any in the galaxy. The jedi will be overwhelmed.

Unbeknownst to the people within the room in the ceiling Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi has just heard their plans.

Count Dooku: The Republic will agree to any demands we make.

Obi-Wan quickly left to contact the Jedi Council in order to warn them of the threat. His leave has caused him to miss hearing a piece of information that he needed to know. And this mistake will prove deadly.

Count Dooku: Now, one more thing.

He turned to face Wat as his voice turned very serious.

Count Dooku: Is the special droid I requested finished?

Wat Tambor: Indeed, if you would like I can bring it in.

Count Dooku: By all means.

The Skakoan got up and made his way to the doorway before shouting out to someone.

Wat Tambor: C40-V, enter!

Loud stomps began to ring out as Wat backed away from the doorway. Soon a droid with a cloak covering it's body entered the room. It's eyes were bright red and seemed to stand out due to the dark plating color of it's body. But what caught everyone's attention was the hulking size and shape of the droid.

It was 2.2 meters tall and even with the cloak they could see it's body parts were large and bulky almost as if it had muscles. Needless to say it's appearance was very intimidating, but the droid's voice was what really frightened the Council members.

C40-V pov:

The Separatist Council members stared at my appearance without uttering a single word, so I decided to speak first. As I spoke I slightly bowed in respect.

C40-V: Greetings.

The sound of my deep, robotic voice finally broke them out of their observation of my physical appearance. My creator soon stepped forward standing to my left, due to our difference in size it showed how much taller I am to everyone in the room.

Wat Tambor: Count, meet C40-V the droid you requested be made.

The human I presume was the Count got up and approached me. I looked down at him as he inspected my body.

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