Chapter three part two

Start from the beginning

I dare to hope that he believes me this time because I intend to prove to him that I am trustworthy, despite what happened before.

Daryl > Don't mess up again, and everything will be fine between us. Are you down with that?

I accept the fact that he's not sure. After all, I haven't exactly played fair since we met.

> It's okay, Daryl. You can trust me.

Daryl > Perfect. I'll contact Maccini and call you back to keep you updated, okay?

> That's fine by me, let's do it like that!

When I leave Daryl, I feel like I'm in a daze. I've decided to trust him one hundred percent and stop trying to deal with it on my own. For one thing, it doesn't get me anywhere, and two, without Daryl, I definitely can't get out of this mess.

I close the door of the villa behind me and wander around amongst the people partying. The music is in full swing, people are dancing, brushing against each other, and laughter is flowing. I'm a thousand miles away from all these people. They seem so carefree. Like everything in their lives is beautiful. I would like to say the same about mine. I avoid a couple who are dancing very explicitly and find myself alongside the pool.

The music suddenly changes, and I look towards the turntables, hoping to find Joe there with his team. After scanning around, I notice him. He's abandoned the turntables and is walking among the party people. After a few handshakes, he casually walks towards me.

Joe > I thought you were going to leave without telling me.

I laugh mockingly before blushing under his insistent gaze.

> I wouldn't dare, come on!

Joe > I saw you were looking for me. So I came along.

> You did good!

I clear my throat and look away. I know I owe Joe a lot. Without his intervention, Daryl would have kicked me out without any scruples. And yet, I find it difficult to express my gratitude to him. I don't know how to show him that he touched me tonight and that I'm grateful. I finally look up at him, letting myself get caught up in his gaze. So different from Daryl's mischievous, playful look. His is soft and tender, with particular brilliance. Feeling awkward, I express some thanks for the kindness he has shown me this evening.

> Thank you for everything, really.

Joe's eyes shine a little brighter, and his lips curl into a beaming smile.

Joe > Bah! It's nothing!

> On the contrary, Joe. It's everything.

A silence settles between us. I see Joe's lips open slightly as if he wanted to add something, but he says nothing. I raise my eyebrows slightly, hoping to encourage him to carry on but he leaves it at that so I turn to head towards the gate.

Joe > Are you taking off, is that it?

> Yeah. To be honest, I've had enough for one day. And anyway, all this, here...

I indicate the party that's in full swing.

> It's not... I'm not in the mood for that right now.

Joe endorses that without a word, looking suddenly serious again.

Joe > Yeah, I understand... Your brother...

> Yeah, that's right. I don't feel like having fun, while he's freaking out on his hospital bed, you know.

Joe > It's obvious. Family is the only real thing!

Daryl: Is it love - The original story (Game walk through)Where stories live. Discover now