"Marigold is fine," Denki smiled, "I was just gonna' ask if y'know where the purple haired kid went since I saw you two talking."

Midoriya's face lit up with recognition, "Oh yeah, he just went near the cafeteria."

"Okay, thanks!"


Denki wandered through the halls in search of the cafeteria, wondering what he was going to say to Hyacinth. Except the fact that his thinking time was cut a little short with the abrupt bumping into someone. "Sorry, sorry, I wasn't paying atten-"


Denki looked up, and there he was, in all his glory, "Hyacinth?"

Hyacinth stared at him, as if expecting him to say something.

"Huh? Oh," Denki grinned sheepishly, how could he forget? "Pluck off the petal of the Marigold, stare at the Iris-"

"-And may the Hyacinth be with your spirit," Hyacinth finished off, "So...Marigold, or should I say Kaminari Denki ."

"Hello, Hyacinth, or should I say, Shinsou Hitoshi. " Denki gestured to the cafeteria, "Feel like springing this joint for a cafe, or staying in the food court?"

Hyacinth scanned the area, his eyes focusing on one person, "Spring this joint."

Denki followed his gaze to one of his classmates, Yaoyorozu . It was safe to assume that Hyacinth either knew or was getting really suspicious, "Agreed. Feel like catching up over coffee or icecream?"

"Is that even a question?"

Denki grinned as he saw an edge of Hyacinth's lips quirk up. It was good to have his friend back. They just needed Iris.


Denki sipped his caramel Frappuccino, "So, these past 3 years, what happened? Not it! You go first!"

Hyacinth sighed, "You didn't even give me time to reply."

"Exactly," sluuuuurp , "Now explain."

"Right," Hyacinth took a sip of his bitter black coffee, "Well, you gave me the information for my family, but instead of tracking them down, I went to the police station unlike a certain someone."

"How did you even know???"

Hyacinth shrugged, "You're just that person, Goldie. Anyways, I eventually did get to my family, except, they were kind of weird."

"Was it culture shock? Regular shock?"

Hyacinth's eyes connected with Denki's, "They didn't expect to see me again. Apparently I had been kidnapped and probably wouldn't have been found."

Denki's grip tightened, "Imagine how many more kids are like you - like us -"

"That's why I want to be a hero," Hyacinth's voice was soft spoken.

Denki maintained eye contact as he responded, "Yeah, me too. Maybe we'll meet Iris and become a trio."

"Either way, we'll make it there," Denki continued, a solid resolve hanging in the air, "We will."

They both left with high hopes.


Denki had to do a lot of catching up with Hyacinth. They continued meeting for a week continuously, filling each other in on parts of their life that they hadn't known about. By the time they were done, things felt normal again, except with a new person.

Marigold Fields and Lucid Dreams ||Assassin!Kaminari Denki||Where stories live. Discover now