The Hyacinth

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Denki was wondering whether he should tell Aizawa or not. Yaoyorozu worked for The Garden , and due to having escaped three years ago, he doesn't know what they're up to now. Sure, Denki wasn't that bad at using a computer ( He was one of the best back then) , but the organization isn't slack either. Tracking them will give them more chances to track him.

And Denki doesn't want to go back.

So the real question is, what are they trying to get from UA? Denki can't imagine them actually sending an infiltrator to UA, it was such a risky move and offly strange for the Garden...

Denki'll just stay silent for now.


He doesn't think Yaoyorozu's that big of a threat.

The Sports Festival only proved Denki right, Yaoyorozu wasn't that big of a threat. Although she may be able to think on the spot, her quirk just takes too long to make the items and she's not as good in combat as their classmates so that's another disadvantage. So that wasn't much of a surprise.

What was a surprise was Hyacinth. Denki didn't know what to expect, the courses were able to opt out of the Sports Festival if they chose to, but it seems that Hyacinth had a certain determination this time...

And that's when it snapped into place for Denki, Hyacinth was aiming for the hero course. In hindsight, it should've been obvious, but then again, Marigold wasn't known for his intellectual skills, even if he's no slack at them either.

What surprised him is how Hyacinth didn't notice him, or did Hyacinth notice him? He could never tell, he never knew what was going through Hyacinth's mind. He used to feel like a chess piece on his friend's board, constantly surprised by Hyacinth's moves, it seems like that feeling never really left.

It just faded.

It's been three years after all, things have changed, they've evolved. And that certainly applies to Hyacinth. Of course, he's always been an insomniac, but Denki noticed how it increased majorly. It must be the paranoia, Denki thought. It happened to him too, many times, staying up at night seeing if the Garden was going to find him, it's normal.

Of course, Denki shouldn't assume, especially now, where he knows nothing about Hyacinth. Everything he used to know was based off of the Garden. Hyacinth had anger and attachment issues, yeah, but overall was an amazing friend. That Denki would be grateful for.

However, Hyacinth doesn't count as a friend now, does he?

"Hey, Goldie, you coming?" Sero asked.

Denki felt a glimmer of hope when he spotted Hyacinth raise his head in the corner of his eyes, "Yeah, I'm coming."

Hopefully, Hyacinth doesn't find Yaoyorozu first.


The Sports Festival seemed to rail on and on, the fights were incredibly reckless and the strategies were sub-par in Denki's mind. There were a million other ways to subdue the opponent, and Denki had just happened to specialize in that. He found himself increasingly frustrated as the most obvious solutions were just in front of their faces ! Unlike Hyacinth's stone cold reaction to this, Denki kept his smile perfectly placed.

The Bakusquad can't suspect anything about him anyway.

Denki cheered when the Sports Festival was over, not that it was out of place.

Now he just needed to track down Hyacinth, and he was going to do that through Midoriya, "Hey, Midoriya-"

Midoriya snapped out of his quirk muttering trance ( something about a brainwashing quirk? Denki knew it was Hyacinth's.) "Hey, um, Marigold, right? Or Kaminari-"

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