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LYRA WAS NERVOUSLY FIGETTING as she stood in line, watching Astoria go up to the Sorting Hat. It waited there for about three seconds, before shouting out, "SLYTHERIN!"

Lyra clapped, knowing that was the house that Astoria wanted, but could barely pay attention as others got called up. She tried to keep track of how many people were in each house, but lost count after two Slytherins, three Hufflepuffs, one Ravenclaw, and one Gryffindor. Finally, Professor McGonagall called out, "Rogers, Lyra!"

She was incredibly nervous, but tried to look as if she wasn't as she walked up to the hat. She waited a second, but placed the hat on top of her head, wondering how it was going to happen.

She was most surprised when a voice started talking in her ear, just like it did when it sang the song.

"Aaah, hmmm.... curious.. strange... where to put you.. where to put you..." it was saying.

'Probably anything but Slytherin," thought Lyra, seeing judging stares from the green and silver table.

"Not Slytherin you say?" Lyra jumped. She didn't know that hat could hear her.

'Um, yes.. I don't think they'd be very welcoming to me being muggleborn.'

"Really? I think you could make a fine Slytherin, and, after all... you aren't what you think you are...You would do well in Slytherin, cunning, and ambitious..."

Suddenly, Lyra's opinion changed, formed a small and sly smirk. 'Actually, Slytherin would be wonderful.' Maybe trying to change her house out of pure spite was the reason she was actually sorted into Slytherin, but it happened nonetheless.


It announced the word for the whole hall to hear, resulting in the usual cheers from the Slytherins and a couple of boos from the Gryffindors.

Lyra saw a few frowns from Gryffindors, small smiles from Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs, and Slytherins who were looking at her up and down, as if scanning her worthiness because they didn't recognize her last name.

She saw Astoria and Daphne's jaws dropping, as Daphne whispered something to a boy next to her, whose eyes widened and went to tell the next person.

Her proud smirk quickly turned to dread as she remembered that this was a Pureblood house, and she was a muggleborn.

However, she still had to get up, putting the hat next to her and walking to the edge of the Slytherin table, where the students were already moving away from her.

It seemed the news had spread rather quickly.

Sighing, she turned to watch the rest of the sorting with her head high.


THE SLYTHERINS MOVED down into the dungeons following the newest prefects. They were slightly gloomy, but overall quite fancy with a greenish tint coming from the lake around them.

"Girls dorms on the left and boys dorms on the right," said the girl who had introduced herself as Adrienne Farley. She turned around and headed up the left stairs as the boy did the same, leaving the first years in the common room.

Astoria started first, heading up to the girls dorm while holding her head up high, the others following behind her, as the boys did the same.

"Should we introduce ourselves?" Astoria asked as they made their way towards the dorm. Lyra took the furthest bed where Nova was already sitting, next to where Astoria had sat down and the other two girls sat on the ones opposite to them.

The girls nodded and Astoria took initiative. "Alright, our names, pet if we have one, any siblings, and..." she paused for a moment before taking a glance at Lyra and then saying, "Blood purity."

Lyra wanted to curl up in a ball and go back in time to change her house again. Maybe she could ask the hat to put her in Ravenclaw, or even Gryffindor? Hell, she'd even take Hufflepuff. But, all she could do was sit there and watch the three other girls glare at her.

"I'm Astoria Greengrass, I usually only use my sister's owl, Athene, even though it belongs to both of us it's mostly hers. I have one sister named Daphne Greengrass, she's in third year and Slytherin right now, and I'm a pureblood."

The next girl had curly dark hair, almost black, and shockingly pale, but porcelain skin. "I'm Adelyn Nott and I don't have any pets because I think that they're disgusting," she spat, looking at Nova on Lyra's lap. "My brother, Theodore Nott is also a third year Slytherin. I'm a pureblood."

Then came the last girl that Lyra didn't know, who had either light brown or dark blonde, straight hair and brown eyes. She probably looked more welcoming out of the two girls, but probably just didn't know Lyra yet.

"Victoria Selwyn. I have an owl whose name is Hector. I have a younger sister who's six right now and I'm a pureblood."

They all looked at Lyra who straightened up, clearly nervous but trying to hide it. "Hi, I'm Lyra Rogers. My cat's name is Nova and I'm an only child. And I... um... well I'm a muggleborn."

A shocked gasp came from Victoria, "But I thought mudbloods couldn't get into Slytherin."

That was the first time she heard it. The slur she'd probably be identified with for the rest of her life. But she didn't even know what it meant yet.

"Well obviously, this one could," Adelyn sneered.

"How did she get into Slytherin?" Astoria wondered out loud.

"I don't know," Adelyn stated, taking charge and clearly making it obvious that she was going to be the most important Slytherin in their small group, "but let's get to bed now."

The other two turned their heads away from Lyra, who thought to herself what a great start to Hogwarts.


Authors Note:

Alright, I just wanted to say this. Technically, the Harry Potter series doesn't say whether muggleborns can actually get into Slytherin, but for the sake of this story, pretend that muggleborns don't. (Obviously, this is no discrimination against Slytherins, I am a Slytherin by the way, but it helps move the plot along.) Also, I'm really excited to have a Slytherin OC, seeing as my past two ocs are Gryffindors!! 

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