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As we pulled to a stop in front of the dorm building, there were two local cruisers sitting with their lights on. There was a crowd gathering on the other side of the street; other students and staff watching in curiosity and shock.

We jumped out of the SUVs and rushed towards the officer who was standing and waiting for us. She met us halfway, "Agents! SWATs ten minutes out. We got more backup en route."

Aaron took charge, walking ahead with her, "We need all the exits covered."

"You got it-" The officer was cut off as a gunshot went off inside. Everyone ducked down and pulled their weapons, rushing towards the dorms.

"Alright, we can't wait, we're going in!" He looks over at us then back to the officer, "Tell SWAT we're going in. Dave, you take the front, we'll take the back."

Aaron started to jog around the building, Reid and I hot on his heels. Just as we made it up the stairs, we heard another gunshot. We sprinted through the hallway, skidding to a halt at the sight of Emily and Rossi walking out of a room. She took a left, avoiding the stares of the officers standing outside the door. Rossi looked at us, shaking his head. Peterson didn't make it.

The drive back to the airport was silent. None of us wanted him to die, but we knew the odds of him surrendering. It was a clean shot. Rossi explained everything once we were settled on the jet.

Peterson wanted to be famous. He wanted books and movies and paparazzi. He didn't deserve it, though. None of these sick bastards deserved the attention. Their victims, they're the ones who deserve the attention. Memorials. They should be remembered, but instead, the men who took their lives will be remembered, while they're forgotten.

The flight home was quick, just under two hours. By the time we got back to the office, we were all ready to call it a night. I followed Aaron to his office, falling onto his couch as he sat at his desk. I heard him chuckle quietly, laying his briefcase on his desk. I laid my arms over my face, determined to take a quick nap.

I was awoken when the couch shifted under me. I lazily opened my eyes, looking at the man sitting on the edge beside me. He reached over and brushed the hair out of my eyes, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Dave's taking everyone out to dinner. You want in?"

"Definitely." I sat up slowly, moving to sit against the arm of the couch. I stretched my arms upwards as I rolled my head in a circle, cracking my neck, "Your couch is uncomfortable."

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with my couch, you're just old." He chuckles, standing up and holding out a hand to help me up.

I take his outstretched hand and stand, gently smacking him on the chest with my free hand, "The only one that's old here is you, sir." He laughs at this, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as we walked down the stairs, towards the group standing by the elevators.

The group was laughing as we approached them, and I laughed when I saw the bottle Emily was holding, "I see tequila!"

Garcia laughs, "We're having dinner! You in?"

"Oh, I've got some time." Aaron smirked, looking at me.

"You had me at tequila."

"Yes! Vamanos! This is happening!" She pumps her fist in the air then looked at Emily, "You can tell us everything about Mark. By everything, I mean everything about Mark. I want all the details."

Reid scrunched his face in confusion, looking at me. I laughed and shook my head as Dave raised his pointer fingers at Emily and Garcia, "I, however, do not."

"Yeah, well, you won't get any. I'll save that for a real girls' night."

Reid held the door open as we all stepped in, the three girls and I stepping to the corner and fist bumping.

"Oh, girls. Oh, yeah. Oh, yes, bring it in!"

Aaron looked back at us and shook his head, holding back a laugh. He shared a look with Dave, most likely rolling his eyes.

Many margaritas, two bowls of chips and dip, and a very extravagant meal later, we were all walking outside of the Mexican restaurant. It was just past eleven and starting to get chilly out. A slight breeze blew through the trees, dancing between the buildings of downtown D.C.

We all laughed as we entered the street, standing on the side walk as we calmed down. Everyone took their turns saying goodbye to Emily, lingering hugs and whispered so longs hanging in the air. Aaron and I were last, the rest of the group having left after their farewells.

I rocked back and forth on my heels as she hugged Aaron tightly, whispering something in his ear before letting him go. He smiles softly, a glimmer in his eyes as he watches Emily turn to me. She glances back at Aaron, nodding her head to the car. He took the hint and walked off, getting into the drivers seat.

I shoved my hands in the front pockets of my jeans, unsure what to say.

"It was really nice meeting you, Alex."

"You too, Emily. Glad to put a face to the legendary name."

"Ah," She laughs, looking off to the street, "Listen, I know it's not my place, but... Hold onto him, yeah? He's a good one."

"He is," I glance at the car to my right, "He's everything I never knew I needed."

"Yeah, he has a way of doing that."

"Oh, right. You two..." I bite the inside of my cheek, reaching up to brush the hair out of my face as the breeze starts to pick up around us.

"Us two?" She asked, puzzled, but her eyes widen, "Oh, no! Me and Hotch?" She lets out a loud, guttural laugh, "Who told you that? Oh, god, no. We never..." She wiped away a tear from her eye as her laughter dies.

"Oh, it's just, you two, seemed..." I trailed off awkwardly, "Sorry."

"It's alright, I get it. No, he and I were never like that. Don't get me wrong, I thought about it, but we never would've worked out. But you, you're good for him. I've known Hotch a long time and I've never seen him smile so much in one night." Her features soften as she looks over to where Aaron is waiting.

"It's funny, everyone keeps telling me that, but sometimes I can't help but wonder..."

"No, don't think like that." She grabs my shoulder and pulls me in for a hug. I hesitate for a second before I respond, my arms wrapping around her torso. She hesitantly pulls back, "Tell him what you need to tell him, it'll help."

I blink back a few tears as my eyes start to string, "I wish it were that easy, Em."

"It is. Trust me, it is." She rubs my arm gently before taking a step back, "I'll see you later, huh?"

"Yeah, yeah. Bye, Emily."

"Bye, Alex." She smiles as she turns on her heel and walks off.

I wait a few seconds before climbing into the car, Aaron watching me curiously.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, but Aaron, listen, I think we should talk."

The Stone Wall and His Weakness [A.H.]Where stories live. Discover now