(Chapter 6~ What if..)

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A/N~ omfg I live hi hi

POV~ Kokichi Ouma

It already was the second week after I came to the school and I managed to somehow get along with Rantaro's friends by now, he told me I could just use his first name now so that's what I did. It was kind of weird and funny in the beginning, but we're friends now. And pretty close if I say so myself.

I've noticed Rantaro spacing out more than he usually does but Miu said that he's just an idiot with a big imagination, I laughed a little at that but still I was concerned about my green haired friend and Shuichi also seemed to be concerned. And yes I got permission to use all of their first names isn't that cool?!

Calm yourself Kokichi it's really nothing... but what if it is? Nah probably not, I'll ask Rantaro when he gets back from detention. I would never there to admit this but I giggled quietly as I remembered where Rantaro was right now, he had gotten into an arguement with Momota once again and it was about to escalate before the teacher came in and send them both to the principal.

Luckily I didn't seem to be the only one who found it a little funny because during the lunch when I was eating my bento up on the roof where we usually sit the conversation landed on what happened and we both stiffled an amused laugh. Somehow our conversations always landed on considerably the tallest of our friendgroup and Shuichi had started remarking about that and asking questions, like if I had a crush on Rantaro by any chance.

But when I answered with no he didn't seem to believe me and just shrugged it off like it was nothing, though it did set me thinking. Did I like anyone? If yes who? And as soon as I questioned who the image of Rantaro smiling at me popped up in my mind but quickly shook it off.

No, I couldn't like 'him'. Out of all people I choose the fuckboy as my crush? Okay I shouldn't think that way about him when he always has been really nice to me, but everyday he is surrounded by a group of girls who are always flirting with him, like come on give him a break-

Anyways enough about Rantaro I really have to stop thinking about him all the time, jeez. But it's so hard to get him out of my brain.. I mean just look at him, he's the living definition of hot- Wait. Shit I'm thinking about him again, can't this just stop-

Apparently I had been talking out loud 'cause I heard someone laughing besides me which snapped me out of my thoughts and found it was the bluenette who was non-stop teasing me now. How wonderfull.

I really tried to ignore him but that's actually easier said than done when someone is continuously poking you to answer a question. "C'mon Kichi tell me! You're secret is safe with me I promise I won't tell him I just want to hear you say it, pretty pleaseee?"

It was always weird to see the usually shy Shuichi like his, but it honestly wasn't that different with me. With close friends I open up and am less shy, I even stutter less and my stuttering always made me insecure so my self confidence always gets a boost when I am able to talk without my voice breaking too much.

I rolled my eyes and jabbed Shuichi his side which caused a surprised squeak from the said boy but atleast the teasing stopped. For now atleast, it probably wouldn't take long for him to get back to it but for now I was safe. I just hope I don't do anything embarrasimg when Rantaro gets back or I'll surely hear it for the rest of the week by Shuichi.

Word count~ 660

Another A/N~ Okay yes this is short but like- Atleast it's updated for once

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