He was met by a gush of wind, accompanied by drops of the sea, hitting his face, but he didn't mind it. On the contrary. This was the most liberating sensation he had ever felt in his life. He took a deep breath and inhaled the salty air, letting his lungs fill up with freedom. He then walked towards the edge of the island and jumped into the water. He started swimming into the unknown, letting himself be guided by the stars.

Remus Lupin

The morning copy of the Daily Prophet fell to the floor to accompany the already broken mug he had dropped upon reading the headline. The spilled coffee was slowly spreading across the photograph of a sunken-faced man with long, matted hair, presented on the front page of the newspaper. Remus Lupin stood very still, his eyes fixed on the spot where the newspaper had been before it fell to the floor. His hands were shaking ever so slightly and his lips were parted.

Sirius Black - the spy, the traitor, the murderer - has escaped Azkaban Prison. 

Still standing in the middle of his small kitchen, Remus couldn't move his body. His lungs weren't capable of accepting the necessary amount of air and all he could do was stare blankly into nothingness. His thoughts were blurry and disconnected, with only one thought that seemed to be consistent: How?

How was this possible?

How was this happening?

After loosing his friends 12 years ago, Remus Lupin lived in poverty and isolation due to his lycanthropy. That one single event, that took place 12 years ago, took away his friends, the feeling of acceptance, love and stability, and after that had happened, it took away meaning from his life. 

Sirius Black destroyed his life. 

Sirius Black destroyed his life and Remus Lupin was not ready to face his past.

He could still remember the day he heard of Lily, James and Peter's deaths and Sirius's sentence to Azkaban. He heard that Sirius was caught laughing in the middle of a Muggle street in London, surrounded with dead bodies and the remains of Peter Pettigrew (a single finger). Remus decided to travel to the Ministry of Magic and request to talk to Sirius, to get answers, but his request was rudely denied. Remus then proceeded to ask when Sirius's trial was going to be held, only to find out that Sirius Black was not getting a trial. 

Remus was, therefore, left with no answers.

He never got the closure he needed and that made Remus even more angry. Angry at Sirius and angry at himself. In 12 years he had managed to suppress his emotions and questions, and dedicated his life to solitary, leaving his past behind, untouched.

But somehow his past had found him and Remus Lupin was not ready to face his past.

Remus took a deep and shaky breath, while finally forcing his legs to move towards the table. He walked across the floor, ignoring the crunchy sounds made by the remains of his coffee mug as his feet made contact with them. He lowered himself into his chair and let his head fall into the palms of his hands. His fingers got tangled in his hair, pulling at it in frustration. 

Remus Lupin wanted to wake up from this nightmare.

He tried closing his eyes and opening them, expecting to find himself in his bedroom. He tried counting his fingers multiple times, but he always counted ten. He tried looking at his watch several times, but it always showed the same time.

Remus Lupin was not asleep. 

Sirius Black has escaped Azkaban Prison.

Sirius Black, the man who betrayed and murdered his closest friends, has escaped Azkaban Prison.

He felt his fists clench together in anger.

Remus Lupin wanted to be done with him.

Remus Lupin wanted revenge.

And most of all-

Remus Lupin wanted answers.

Peter Pettigrew


Peter Pettigrew allowed his eyelids to open ever so slightly as he was awoken by yet another argument between the Weasley twins and their older brother Percy. He was sleeping soundly in Ron's pocket after eating his breakfast. Percy was not at the breakfast table when Peter's eyelids begun to drop, so he presumed that Percy had just entered the kitchen.

"Gosh Percy, I didn't know you were made Head Boy!" Fred exclaimed sarcastically.

"That is just splendid news!" George remarked.

"I KNOW YOU-!" Percy shouted impatiently, but was interrupted by the owl delivering the Daily Prophet. "I KNOW YOU HAVE IT!"

"Now Percy, it is not nice to point fingers," Fred tutted, causing the shade of Percy's face to match his hair.

"SHUT UP!" He shouted angrily and turned to Mrs. Weasley, who was staring at the Daily Prophet over Mr. Weasley's shoulder. "Mother, tell them-"

To everybody's surprise, Mrs. Weasley shushed him. Percy's lower jaw snapped back up and the whole room suddenly shifted into an uncomfortable silence. Peter allowed himself to take a closer look at Molly and Arthur Weasley. He could see their eyes travelling across the Daily Prophet, both of their faces were those of pure shock. Peter felt himself twitch uncomfortably. He knew that expression far to well from the war. It was the expression people had when they heard of an attack or their family and friends dying. 

"How?" He heard Mrs. Weasley whisper, while Mr. Weasley was just slowly shaking his head in confusion.

"Mum? What's going on?" Fred asked curiously in a worried tone. Mrs. Weasley finally looked up from the paper.

"There was a breakout," Mrs. Weasley told them. "Sirius Black has escaped Azkaban Prison."

Peter felt his insides tie themselves into a knot. Mrs. Weasley's words echoed in his ears. He felt his eyes widen and the fur on his back stand up.

"Who?" Ron asked curiously.

"That is very Sirius news," Fred chuckled. Mrs. Weasley shot him a glare, while George patted his brother on the back, laughing.

"This is not the time for making jokes," Mr. Weasley said sternly as he lowered the newspaper on the table. "Sirius Black was, and still is, a big supporter of You-Know-Who."

"How did he escape?" Ron asked curiously. 

"Merlin knows," Mr. Weasley said. "Nobody has ever escaped Azkaban. I would have never believed it to be possible, but apparently..."

The room fell silent. Peter was as still as a statue, while his thoughts were sprinting around his head. How, indeed, was this possible? Peter had never considered Sirius escaping a possibility. He thought he was safe, that his secret was safe. What if Sirius finds him? What if Sirius tells the truth? Was he in danger? Should he run away?

What if Sirius Black does find him?

Peter lowered himself back into Ron's pocket. In a few weeks he was going to Hogwarts. He should be safe there. Sirius wouldn't attempt to break into Hogwarts right under Dumbledore's nose, would he? Even if he does, what were the chances of him finding him in the safety of Ron's pocket?


Here you have it - the second chapter! 

Let me know your thoughts on it - it was quite a tricky one to write (especially Sirius's escape).

Vote and comment please:)

Until next week's update,

Lizzie :)

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