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"A drake my lord?!" Caramon was surprised that the companionship was being tasked with such a job. "You question my judgement?" asked the king raising an eyebrow. "No my liege, I just didn't expect another job so soon. we will depart emediatley."
The companionship left the hall and back across the familiar street to the big gates. But from here instead of traveling north they turned and began moving east toward the mountains.
The long trip to the mountains took several days. They survived of Thamion's amazing survival skills (hunting etc.). At nights they pitched camp. Cooked the fresh kills over a nice blazing fire. They took turns keeping watch while the others slept. Nothing bothered them the entire journey.
When they finally reached the east mountains they they decided to try to make a plan. 'My sources tell me the Drake lives on a hidden cave in that mountain,' Caramon said, pointing to her left. 'Great,' said Raistlin 'lets get in there and slay the thing,' 'just calm down Raistlin, we have to find the entrance first,' said Thamion. Raistlin just rolled his eyes and the companionship started climbing up the mountain path.
About half way up Caramon stopped and signaled the others to do so also. 'This is where we leave the trail, the cave is that way,' she said, pointing towards a very narrow ledge that snuck around the side of the mountain. 'We'll have to be extra careful here, the ledge's width is about half my foot's length.' Said Thamion. 'Don't sweat it, we'll be fine,' said Raistlin. Thamion glanced an irritated look at him but he just smirked back, enjoying every second.
The companionship began moving along the edge, their backs pressed close against the cliff face, a very deadly drop just one misstep away.
Crack! Part of the ledge fade way beneath Caramon's foot, and she was unable to steady herself and fell. Luckily, Thamion caught her but he began to slip too. Raistlin then grabbed Thamion's robes to keep him up. They were just barely able to haul Caramon back to the ledge. 'You're welcome,' retorted Raistlin, both Thamion and Cramon shot him sideways glances telling him to shut up.
They made it across the ret of the ledge to come to a plateau jutting from the side of the cliff face. A little bit of bramble weaved along the wall. 'I don't see a cave entrance,' said Raistlin. 'Use your common sense, nitwit,' retorted Thamion as he cleared away some of the bramble to reveal a hole in the side of the cliff face just large enough for them to fit through one by one.
'Shhhhh, I hear something,' said Caramon. The two magic users topped talking and listened too. A distant sound of snoring came from the depths of the cave. The companionship entered the cave.
No human would be able to see one fort in front of them in that cave without a torch or lantern, but elves have a special ability called 'dark vision' to them the cave seemed to be lit as well as any cave.
They began walking down the narrow passage. 'Wait,' said Thamion. He noticed a rather conspicuous pile of dead plants on the ground. He took a rather large stone from the ground and threw it on the leaves. The leaves buckled revealing a large pit that, Thamion assumed, had a drop that would kill anything, based off the fact it was a good minute before heard the rock hit bottom.
Glad they didn't become the pit's newest victims the companions decided to jump over the large pit. Thamion went first, he backed up, and gave a running leap and landed safely on the other side. Raistlin did the same, but when Caramon came to jump she had to push off a lot harder since her armor would weigh her down. She leaped, and landed on the very edge of the other side and began to tilt backward.
The magic users each grabbed one of her arms and pulled her stable. 'You really have a nack for falling don't you,' said Raistlin. Caramon glanced him yet another dirty look.
On this side of the pit was a large circular room, right in the middle was the drake, sleeping with a deep snow. It resembled a lizard but in much greater proportions. It had thick, gold scales all over its body and its tail was covered in barbed spikes. The horns on its head were razor sharp and poisonous, just like its claws.
Caramon drew her sword and slowly crept toward the beast. She raised her sword above the creatures neck, ready to strike, but then its eyes opened.
Thamion noticed and tried to warn Caramon, but it was too late. The drake swung its tail around, hitting Caramon square in the chest, throwing her backward into the wall of the cave.
Raistlin ignited his hands with flaming balls of fire, and chucked them, kind of like baseballs, at the drake, it scorched some of the drake's scales but the beast seemed more annoyed than hurt. It screeched a battle cry and charged Raistlin.
'A little help Thamion!' Yelled Raistlin, but Thamion's eyes were closed and he was muttering under his breath. Raistlin realized he was about to cast a spell a d dove out of the way. Three green plasmid darts appeared in midair above Thamion's head. They then zoomed at lightning speed across the room and into the drakes hide.
The drake squealed as the darts took off three of its scales. Now the drake was really mad. It turned and raised its clawed paw ready to strike Thamion. Then it gave a sharp intake of breath, it's eyes glossed over and or slumped to the ground dead.
Thamion and Raistlin looked up to see Caramon, her sword deep in the drake's hide where one of the scales was missing. She withdrew the sword and cut off the drake's foot for proof that it was dead.
'You know what I'm in the mood for?' Asked Raistlin, 'drake jerky!'. The others agreed it was a good idea and they harvested the corpse for meat.
They then used the meat as rations on their way back to the city.
Once again they found the self in front of the king, who gave them each another 20 gold pieces. 'Unfortunately I have no more jobs for you to do yet.' Said the king 'but I will call on you if you are needed.'
The companions bowed and left the room. Outside they had a quick discussion about what to do next. 'No what guys?' asked Thamion. 'I know!' Said Raistlin 'lets spend the day at the bar and inn'.

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