"Phi' Jakk, he was thrilled to try his best to stand by himself, so hurry and wait. Why will I call and hurry you? " Peempad pushed his friend's shoulder hard as a manner to warn him to stop going insane. "Would you shut up to end it and change clothes to help Phi'Jakk?"

"Oh yes ... wait a moment, Mr. Jakkapad."

He seemed to speak in a soft, sweet voice and yet dared to tell him once again ...

"My friend Peem, this ..."

"Phi' Jakk will say it is crazy to say it straight away even if Peempad followed," Peempad laughed, laughed without thinking or hiding until the audience revealed a secretive smile lovingly. Jakkapad raised his hand to stroke the white cheek that turned pink due to a light laugh before withdrawing his hand to push the cart to wait at the physical location by himself while leaving the cheerful person standing with his cheeks like that alone.

Wit continues to begin his physical exercise by lifting the legs and contracting the muscles as usual with which Jakkapad was cooperating very well. Even though he wanted to cross over the level to the island as he was stable it wasn't until an hour later that the young physical therapist took the patient to a new physical therapy spot where they had been for the first time.

The area had balancing rails attached to the ground each several meters long. There was also a walker where patients were only interested in staring at it without blinking. Peempad just turned around to follow his gaze and saw that Phi' Jakk may have wanted to use that walking tool very much. But because he still couldn't use it, he could only keep looking like this.

"I'll help you up and then I'll let you use your strength to hold the rail. Put as much weight on your hands and upper body as possible to keep your balance. Let the legs gradually touch the ground. You do not have to walk. If you don't think you can tell me immediately. Don't force too much until your arms hurt. Okay." Wit continued many things because he did not want to cause additional pain to the patient. Even though Jakkapad had a lot of energy from exercising his arms for months if strength was needed to support the entire body without using the suspensions he might have easily injured himself. Even so, he still wasn't sure whether someone like Phi' Jakk would be able to say that he couldn't. The young man then turned to his close friend and nodded in acknowledgment.

"Phi' Jakk," the person who knows the character of the patient moves his body closer and helps to lift him from the wheelchair without forgetting to whisper, hearable to both of them only, "Don't force it, if you force it I'll be angry."

Jakkapad turned around to look at the speaker and smiled without answering. The young man focused all his attention on the handrail, a device that helped him realize that his condition had improved. The cool touch from the rails helped to stir up the feeling of excitement in his heart as well. He let the personal physiotherapist and the important person support him before grasping the rail in his hand tightly and exerting his upper body to tighten his weight. When the feet trembled, both of them touched the ground until they were fully straight. Emotions that were not touched for a long time spread throughout his body.

I have a feeling...not that numb anymore like it was in my legs.

Wittaya slowly withdrew his supportive hand and turned to signal Peempad to release the hand as well. He proudly looked at the tall and large body of the patient in his care. Even though he was still unable to walk this person was able to balance in a standing position until he looked like a king.

"Peem" The first person Jakkapad called upon consciousness was the most important person to him. He turned his face to that side. Looking at those sparkling eyes that looked happier than anyone and then gave out a big smile. "You can balance!"

3Kings : Jakkapad [English Translation]Where stories live. Discover now