Memento Mori Prologue

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Memento Mori - Remember that you are mortal


My story has a beginning but no ending. There is no end for me, not even death.

 The wind blew through the trees of the forest making them moan. I remember the wind was blowing, I could hear it but I couldn't feel it.

I can't feel anything, I'm numb.

The only thing I could feel was the moon faintly touching my skin, and the blood pulsing through my veins.

                            I heard the faint sound of laughter through the blowing wind and moaning trees. I drifted toward the sounds and saw a young couple embracing under the moonlight.

I could here her breathing quicken, and his heart drummed, his pulse picking up.

A wave of hunger washed over me, I coulde almost feel the blood rushing through their veines.

I clenched my fists and bit hard on the inside of my mouth. I held my eye's shut and stopped breathing,  hoping that they would hurry and leave.

I could smell the heat and blood from their bodies inviting me over, but I held still. The taste of my own blood filled my mouth.

I could still hear the couple laughing and giggling.

Please leave, I don't want to kill you! HURRY UP!

As if willed by me I heard their laughter fade away, and the hunger inside of me dulled. I slowly unraveled my fists, and started breathing again.

I stoode for several minutes, fighting of the urge to chase after them, but it passed.

I opene'd my eyes and stared up at the moon. The moon looked like a silhouette against the night sky, but dissapeared behind the night clouds.

I sucked down some of the night air, and continued walking.

I need to find food.

That was the only thought running through my mind. The basic instict of every living thing.

I drifted through the forest loking for something to eat, the moon was still shrouded in clouds, but I could see clearly.

A wild cat sprinted past me and I caought it with ease. I quickly broke it's neck and drank from it.

I'm sorry that you have to die for me to live, when I don't even deserve to live.

I quickly finished up and buried the body. I climbed up a nearby tree and watched the moon peek out from behind the clouds.

Is this how it's always going to be? Living of the blood of others?

"Of course, that is the fate of a vampire" I whispered to myself.

I closed my eye's.

I'm a vampire.........

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