Slow dancing

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I love slow dancing with a passion- I learned it in like 3rd grade for god knows why. So why not make it into a shot? Also may be a lil' bit spicy cause why not? ٩( ᐛ )و
Happy reading💛

Forward forward back. Three simple steps. It was so simple yet so hard..
Tanaka had somehow convinced Souda to try and practice slow dancing with him. It was always a good pass time so why not try and learn? It was a mistake- but no going back at this point
" the hell did you get me into this?" Souda whined as he once again tripped over his feet. "I'm not sure, but I applaud you for trying to learn." The slight praise made Kazuichi go pink, hiding his face in his lovers chest as he watched both of their feet. As he got the hang of it he smiled softly, "am I doing this right?" Souda looked up at the taller male receiving a soft kiss to the lips as what he was guessing a yes
Souda had the warm and fuzzy feeling he always got around his boyfriend..but when he gave him affection? It was different, only in the slightest but still different..he hesitates but he kissed back, slowly rapping his arms around his neck, earning Tanaka's arms around his waist.
The two separated from lack of air, feeling their faces heat up as they look away from one another
"For the overlord of ice you're a really good kisser.." Souda chuckled as Tanaka's face began to heat up "is the great Gundam Tanaka getting flustered?" Souda teased smiling mischievously like.
Feeling his legs quickly be pulled up, earning a confused and flustered mechanic
Slowly leaning him against the wall Tanaka raises his ( nonexistent but still there) brows
"Ad you were saying Kazuichi?" He smiled seeing the boy was still in slight shock, Kazuichi whined hiding his face in Gundam's chest once again
"Fine, fine you win..can you put me down please?" The muffled sounds of his talking were barely heard by the breeder "as you wish darling, would you enjoy to continue to try and lean how to properly slow dance or would you rather do something else?" He said as he slowly placed the pinkette back on the ground
"I wanna keep practicing please." Souda was at this point determined to learn. He had came this far, he can't go back at this point

As the two practiced and practiced Souda was able to not step on his lovers feet really at all! He was proud of himself
"I'm getting the hang of this..hey, I'm getting the hang of this!" Souda felt his smile grow as his sentence continued. "You do." Tanaka felt his heat beat knowing he'll finally have someone to dance with. And of all people him. It made him happy


Short but sweet, might as well!         ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"💛

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