slow mornings

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I love you. That's all I gotta say c:💞
Happy reading 💛

The sun was beginning to paint itself where the dark night once was, it made Souda slowly wake up from his sleep. The warmth of his boyfriend was a comforting thing to wake up to. But he still felt as if it was too early, yet he knew it wasn't. He groaned as he covered his eyes trying to avoid the light peering through the window. "Kazuichi...please calm yourself, it's too early for that..." he heard a tired Gundam, a voice that always manages to make his heart flutter more then his normal voice can. "Sorry love..." he said nervously, both of them just starred into each other's eyes, a view that made them have the slightest motivation too get up. They both slowly made their way up, Souda put his glasses on before heading to the bathroom too put his hair up.
As he searched the drawer he felt hands wrap around his waist. "You are aware that if you're going to put it up you might as well brush it." The breeder reminded. "I know I's too much work though." The boy turned around to place his hands around the others neck. Tanaka moves his four head closer so it was just touching the smaller's. Souda's frown quickly turned into a soft smile, he giggled as he pecked the taller boys lips. Tanaka kisses back feeling his hand slowly hold Souda's face. "I put your hair ties in the other drawer." He smiled. "Mkay...hey, can you make me egos please?" Souda asked as if he were a small child. "Mmh." He answered quietly as he gave his lover one last kiss before he headed to the kitchen.

"Oh my god you're the best."
"I know."
As the two are their food they tried making small talk, "why do you always want those?" Tanaka laughed as Souda ate the waffle with his hands. "Cause they are delicious. Why do you always have eggs for breakfast huh?" The boy gave a smug smile. "Fair point." Gundam said in defeat, slowly lifted his fork to the other, "You want some? It's a change, I'll have some of have some of mine. Deal?" Souda slowly nodded as he took the fork full. "You make your eggs so bland...weirdo." Souda quickly made his way to where they kept their cutlery, grabbing a small fork from it.
"It doesn't taste bad...but I'd still rather not have it unless I must." Tanaka looked at the small clock they had in the corner of the room, it was only 9? Hm. Looks like this morning is going slow, no matter. The slower it gets the more time they feel like they've spent tougher.


I'm planning on writing angst sooner then later so y'all better be ready, anywho love you bye💛

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