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Why were you doing this? No clue

"I- Y/N why are you calling me?"

"I'm just bored.."
You were telling the truth but not the full truth. The full truth was that you needed to take your mind off of the whole Jake fat-shaming you situation.

"Couldn't you just get Wilbur to hang out with you or something?"

You looked at the time from your phone. It read 6:06 pm, so you knew he wasn't streaming.

"Actually tommy, something happened between me, him, and someone else that I'm not naming their name. And I just need my mind off of it right now.." you sped through the words faster than lightning McQueen could drive.

"I- uh, um-uh, Pardon?"

"never mind, wanna play bedwars?"


You both logged onto hypixel, and he invited you to his party. As you both joined a game.

-<3- timeskip -<3-

You and tommy have been playing bedwars for maybe 1-2 hours now it was 7:45 your stomach was growling since you decided to throw away the ramen you made. you didn't want to get fatter than you already are

"Hey Y/N i have to go motherinnit wants me to empty the dishwasher"

"Oh ok, bye tommy"


He left the vc. Now what are you gonna do? Maybe try streaming?

"Yea let's try that" you said out loud to yourself. You exited minecraft and went to your editing software to edits one of Wilbur's videos. You always enjoyed doing that when it was either for fun or to take your mind off something or someone.


It was the next day, you woke up hunched over your desk

"Fuck I did it again"

You always had a problem falling asleep at your desk when editing videos.

You stood up and your back immediately cracked. You stretched a little and went too go on your phone, you turned it on and it immediately died. You sighed and plugged in your phone to get ready for the morning. Well not really morning it was more like the afternoon you fell asleep quite late and was editing for a long time since you decided to edit more than one video last night.

You sighed "just great"

A/n: short chapter but I had to post something soon. Also THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 600+ READS THATS INSANE.

Word count - 400

On Hold! 𝘼 𝘿𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙑𝙘-𝙏𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙩 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora