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Tatum's POV

Thank goddddd, it's finally lunch. I walked out of my physics classroom and headed to my locker. I was opening my locker when Miguel came over. "Hey Tatum." he said. "Hi Miguel." I said while smiling a little. I shoved my physics book in my locker and grabbed my lunch box. "How was physics?" Miguel asked me. "It was boring, I can't believe it's one of our required classes. I want to be a mortician, why do I need to take physics. It's pointless." I said. "A mortician, wow. I've never heard that before, but it's cool." Miguel said with a small smile.

I sighed and looked at Miguel. "It's whatever. Now come on, let's get to lunch before all the tables are taken". We get to the cafeteria and I go through the line with Miguel. We walk towards the tables and look around. I reach up and say in Miguel's ear "So buddy we have the jocks and dicks, the rich popular kids, the nerds, or the druggies. Who are we choosing?". Miguel looked down at me and started laughing. Then he leaned into my ear and said "I think it's obvious Tatum. It's the nerds or the bathroom".

We both started walking towards the table with only two people, two boys. I immediately noticed one of the boys. He looked up at me and looked really nervous. Even though I was probably making him feel uncomfortable, I couldn't help but notice how cute he was. Miguel realized I was staring and elbowed me in the side bringing me back to reality. "Oh shit, sorry. Umm do you mind if we sit here?" I asked the two boys. The one of the right answered. "Ooh, sorry, table is really blowing up right now. I ca put you on the wait list, but it's probably next semester at the earliest."

"Umm ok."I said while me and Miguel turned to walk away. The boy said " Ok. No, I'm kidding. Sit". Me and Miguel sat down and introduced ourselves. "I'm Tatum, this is Miguel. We're new." I said. "Demetri. This is Eli." Demetri said. I looked over to Eli and said "Hi Eli." with a small wave. He waved back but didn't say anything. I looked over to Demetri and he said "He's a man of few words."

At that moment, a group of girls walked past us. All of the boys attention was turned to them. I looked over at them and rolled my eyes. Oh look, the rich girls I thought to myself. Although I never associated with the "popular kids", one of the girls caught my eye. She is so pretty. But she probably doesn't swing both ways I thought. "Dude don't torture yourself. Those are the rich girls." Demetri said to Miguel. The group of girl went over to their table and sat down, giggling. "Hey Demetri. The girl in the middle, what's her name?" I asked him. "Oh that's Moon. She's one of the rich, popular, feminist girls." He said. "Do you ever talk to them or.....?" Miguek asked Demetri and Eli.

"Oh, yeah, all the time. We hang out after school. Make out, give each other hand jobs. Eli here is the homecoming king. Get's laid more than anyone. Isn't that right, Eli?" Demetri said. I looked over at Eli and he was laughing a little bit. "Talk to them? You do realize what table you're sitting at, right?" Miguel looked confused. "You've pretty much signed away all hopes of losing your virginity before college." Well isn't that just fucking great.

Eli pulls his hand up to the mouth and covers it. "Oh, shit, Yasmine's looking at us. Probably just making fun of me." I felt really bad so I said "I don't think she's making fun of you. Just because they're hot doesn't mean they're mean" He looked over at me and smiled. "Well I'll be right back. Excuse me." I said while getting up to go to the bathroom. On my way I walked past the girls table. "Oh, my god, you guys. You see that guy over there who looks like he went down on a lawnmower?" Yasmine said while laughing. "He's literally wearing the ugliest sweater I've ever seen." After she said that her and her friends all laughed. I had heard enough so I went to the bathroom.

When I returned to the table I heard Demetri saying "I don't care if Yasmine is the meanest girl at school. I'd kill both of you just to get her to spit in my face." Boys ughhh. "I'm back." I said while sitting down. It was almost as if they didn't notice I came back. They just continued their conversation. "Yeah, well, if you don't make a move, you're never going to have a shot with her." Miguel said. Demetri rolled his eyes and said "I'm at peace with my depression. Last thing I need to be is suicidal." I laughed a little bit at that before I noticed Miguel getting up. "What are you doing" I asked. Miguel looked down at me and said "Striking first".

"Oh, shit, I hope we don't get hit with the shrapnel." Demetri said. "Hey guys I think I'm gonna go. I need to get something from my locker before geometry. So I guess I'll see you around." I said while getting up to leave. Before I walked away Eli said "Wait, let me come with you, just so you're not lonely". I smiled and him and waved my hand in a 'come on' motion. "So you're new. Did you just move here or...." Eli asked me. "Oh yea, maybe I should've told you guys. I was born in LA but I first went to Alexander Bridger High. My dad wanted me to have a fresh start so I transferred here at the beginning of the year." I told him. "Isn't Alexander Bridger High an all girls school?" He asked me. "Yeah it is. I loved it but I also hated it." I said. Eli just nodded his head. "Oh here's my locker." I said while going to unlock it.

Eli turned to me and said "I'm gonna go. I need to get something from my locker and I don't wanna be late to class". "Ok. I'll see you later Eli." I said while getting my textbook out. Before Eli left he turned to me and said "Hey Tatum, are you going to Halloween dance?". I thought about it for a second and said "Yeah, I think I am. Are you?". "Yeah I am. I just wanted to know if you wanted to go with me?" Eli asked me. I noticed how nervous he was. "I would love to go with you Eli." I said with a smile. "Maybe since were going together we should go costume shopping together." He said also with a smile. "How about today after school? I rode my bike to school but I can walk it to the store." I said. "Ok that sounds good." Eli said. "I'll meet you in front of the school at 3:00. Don't be late." I said with a small laugh.

Eli smiled at me and walked away. Well this was a VERYYYY good first day.

Hey guys!! Ok trust me. The story will be more intresting very soon. But anyways, thank you for sticking around:)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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