Tatum's POV

Ughhh. I fucking hate alarms. Wait what time is it? Oh shit, I'm late. "Dad, what the hell. Why didn't you wake me up? I'm late." I asked my dad, Johnny Lawrence. Let me give you some inside information. I'm Tatum Kaia Lawrence. I'm 16 years old and from Reseda. My dad is Karate champ, Johnny Lawrence. I'm starting West Valley High today. Yay!!. I have a twin brother, Robby Keene. He lives with our deadbeat mom and is NOTHING like me. But, I think that's enough information to get you started. Let's get back to it.

"Sorry Tate, you just had a late night so I figured I'd let you sleep a little longer" My dad told me. "Dad, there's a difference between a little longer and a whole hour. I'm gonna be late on my first day at school. FUCK!" I said to my dad while running around our apartment trying to find decent clothes. I finally found a pair of jeans and one of my dad's guns n roses shirt. "I'm borrowing your shirt dad." I yelled as I was putting on my black converse. "Wait, what shirt is it? It better not be my special guns n roses shirt." He yelled back to me. I ignored him and started walking towards the door. "Bye dad, I'll see you after school." I yelled while walking out the door.

I walked over to my bike and got on and started riding towards the school. When I got there I was relieved to find out that school didn't actually start till 9 so I wasn't late I was actually early. I rode my bike over to the bike racks and got off. I tied my bike up and headed into school. When I walked in everyone started staring at me, whispering things and laughing at me. I just kept my head down as I walked towards the office. When I walked in the office I saw another kid waiting. "Wait, I think I know him from somewhere." I thought to myself. I walked up to the desk and asked for my schedule. "Ok, I will get that for you. But can you go wait in the chair next to Mr. Diaz while I find it?" The lady at the desk said to me.

Oh so his last name is Diaz. I turned around and sat down next to him. I turned towards him and said "I'm sorry if this is weird but I swear I've seen you somewhere". He looked a little confused at first but then got a face of realization. "Oh yea. You live in the same apartment complex as me. I'm Miguel." He said sticking his hand out to shake mine. "Nice to meet you Miguel, I'm Tatum." I said while shaking his hand. After that the lady called us both up to the desk at the same time. "Here's your schedules. I'd help each other out if I were you." she said to us.

I smiled at her and looked over at Miguel. "Wanna help me find my locker?" I asked him. He looked down and smiled at me. "Only if you'll help me find mine." He said to me. "Well let's go buddy." I said while grabbing his hand and leading him out of the office.

Miguel's POV

"Miggy, wake up. It's time for school" I heard my mom yelling to me. I didn't wanna get up so I laid there for a little longer. "Miguel, levanta el culo. Es hora de ir al colegio!" my grandma yelled this time. "I'm up. I'm up" I yelled back to them. I quickly got ready, kissed my mom and grandma goodbye and headed to school. When I got to school I went to the office to get my schedule. "Hi, I'm Miguel Diaz. I'm new, I just need to get my schedule." I said to the lady sitting at the desk. "Ok sweetie, can you just go wait over there while I find your schedule." The lady told me while pointing at a group of chairs.

I was sitting in the office waiting when a girl walked in. She looked over at me and stared for a second. I don't know how, but this girl looked so familar. She went up to the desk to ask for her schedule as well. "Hi, I'm Tatum Lawrence. I just need to pick up my schedule." she said. The lady told her the same thing she told me. She came and sat next to me. She turned towards me and said "I'm sorry if this is weird but I swear I've seen you somewhere". Then it clicked. "Oh yea. You live in the same apartment complex as me. I'm Miguel." I said while holding my hand out shake her hand. She put her hand out and said "Nice to meet you Miguel, I'm Tatum". After we got introduced the lady called us both up to the desk to get our schedules. "Here's your schedules. I'd help each other out if I were you." she said to us.

I nodded at her and then Tatum looked over at me and said "Wanna help me find my locker?" with a smile of her face. I smiled back at her and said "Only if you'll help me find mine". Tatum grabbed my hand and said "Well let's go buddy." while leading me out of the office and down the hall. If I'm gonna be honest Tatum is really cute. I know I just met her but she seems like such a great person. I wouldn't be surprised if I fell for her.

Ok guys first chapter real chapter done. Idk how I feel about it. I hope it's not bad and you guys like it. Also don't be misled. This is a Hawk book but why not through some miguel in there because we all love him. But anyways hope you enjoy this book<3

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