I stare at him for a moment, "Are you sure it was an episode...?" I asked, unsure.

"Yeah, pretty sure!" My uncle finalized. "I did bring some of your spare medication, just in case this happened." My uncle rummaged his hand through his pocket. He pulls out a glass jar, filled with white pills. "Here" he hands me two pills and a glass of water.

"Thanks uncle" I thanked him before tossing the pills in my mouth and washing them down with the glass of water. "We're Mrs.Flurry?" I asked, noticing her absence.

"She went down stairs, said she had some paperwork to take care of." Uncle pointed to the stair case. "But, we already disturbed her enough." Uncle brought his hand back into his lap along side his other hand. "We should take our leave and not cause her anymore stress!" Uncle declared. He stood from his kneeling position on the floor. Uncle then picked me up and put me on his shoulders.

"Woah!" I said in shock.

"Your properly still a bit dazed and light headed, so I'll just carry you." Uncle began walking towards the door. 

"Thanks uncle..." I thanked him, wrapping my arms around the top of his head.

"No problem kid." He quietly mumbled.


After a bit of riding on my uncles shoulders, my head had cleared up and the pain didn't bother me. Uncle put me down so I could run around and explore on my own. Part of my day had already been wasted by passing out, so I had to make the most of the day I had left. I ran around to each shop and booth, admiring the merch and goods that were being sold. 

Then, all of a sudden, a feeling washed over me. It was a dragging feeling, one that made me want to follow it. I followed the strange feeling, my uncle walking right behind. Once I reached a certain part of the market, the feeling vanished. This confused me as I stopped in my tracks. My uncle looks to me, wondering what I had stopped for.

"What's wrong kiddo?" Uncle asks.

"I just felt like something, or someone, important was gonna be here..." I mumbled, doing my best to shrug it off. "Never mind..." I said in a more defeated tone. Just as I was turning to explore another direction, someone bumped into me. The force caused me to stumble and fall to the ground. "Oof" I groaned, rubbing the back of my head.

"Sorry about that, are you alright kid?" I could hear a man's voice ask. I hear, what I assume is my uncle, rustling as he knelt on the ground next to me, making sure I was alright. I look up to see the man who had bumped into me. He had dark blue hair, a sort of cloth covering his eyes, and strange tattoo's littered half of his body. I also couldn't ignore the fact that I already disliked him.

"I'm alright!" I said, still a bit upset that he knocked me to the ground.

"Alright, then have a nice day." He began to walk away. I grab his hand and stop him from moving any further. He looked back at me, confused. "What you want kid?" He questioned my intentions. 

I let out a huff before speaking. "You can't just bump into someone and leave!" I practically yelled, raising my voice.

"Calm down kid, I said I was sorry and your fine!" The man defended himself, not sure why a child was yelling at him. 

"Well you have to buy me ice cream first before you leave!" I demanded, keeping a tight hold on his hand.

"What? No!" He gripped my hand, trying not to hurt me, but also trying to break free.

"No! You have to get me an ice cream as an apology!" I started pulling on his arm.

"Why you..." he growled. My uncle seemed to be getting worried, scared that the angry man might hurt me.

"Calm down Richie...stop bothering him..." my uncle tried to get me off the mans tail. The man's arm seemed to loosen a bit, but I paid no mind.

"No uncle! He owes me ice cream as an apology!" I whined to my uncle. I then see a lady start walking up to use as well.

"Now now, What's going on her Viper." She asked, hands on her hips as she examined the situation.

"Nothi-" he started, but I jumped in.

"He bumped into me, so I want ice cream as an apology!" I started pulling and yanking on his arm some more.

"Stop that you brat." He growled, earning him a smack on the back of his head from the lady.

"That's no way to talk to a kid!" She scolded the man. She went and kneeled down next to me. "Would you mind letting go of his hand please, I promise we'll get you ice cream, Alright." She smiled, her words gentle. I let go of the mans hand and startled vigorously shaking my head. I watched the man stumbled back a bit, mumbling something under his breath. "Good, What's your name cutie?" She said, making me smile at her kindness.

"I'm Richie! And that's my uncle Derick." I pointed in my uncles direction, introducing him as well. I noticed that they seemed to slightly flinch at my introduction, which confused me. "Is there, something wrong?" I asked, worried I said something odd or unusual. 

"No no! We were just surprised is all." She waved her hands in defense, trying to reassure me. 

"Well, what are you names!" I asked, wanting to know their names as well.

"Huh, us? Well I'm Kay and the grumpy guy is Viper." She introduced.

'Hm, sounds familiar,' I shrugged.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2021 ⏰

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