Kiribaku~ Mad Mama Wolf and A Little Bit of Origin

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 Mitsuki paced her kitchen floor, practically shaking her tidy cottage with each step. It was almost midnight, and her mischievous son Katsuki was nowhere to be found. He hadn't been home for three months, but Mitsuki knew her son would turn up tonight. School started tomorrow, and all of Kats things were still in his room.

"Maybe he got lost darling! Let's try to be patient..." Her husband tried to calm her. But it only seemed to irk Mitsuki further.

"Masuru, he's a hunter with a damn good nose. If he lost his way it's on purpose!" She stopped her patrol around the cottage.

"That brats dead when he gets back!" Misuki grumbled. She returned to her pacing and her husband sat in silence once more.

Suddenly the doorknob jiggled, and the large oak door slammed open harshly. In walked an ash blonde boy, the spitting image of his mother, his tail swishing behind him.

After throwing a dirty brown bag onto the floor he tried to make a quick escape up the cottage stairs. Obviously not keen to interact with his mother and father at the moment. But he didn't get far.

"KATSUKI BAKUGOU GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!!" Katsuki sighed before facing his mother.

"Hey hag." Mitsuki didn't have the patience to deal with her son's brash attitude tonight. But she took a deep breath to calm herself. "Where the hell have you been?" Katsuki was silent. "Would you care to explain why school ended three months ago and I haven't seen you since then?"

"I left a note."

"That?! The paper you left on your bed telling me you'd be staying at a summer house with a friend?" Katsuki rolled his eyes.




"The only reason I didn't come and hunt down your ass is because me and your father have work and aren't allowed to take time off."

"I know." Mitsuki scoffed.

"It is so like you to take advantage of us like that Katsuki! WE WERE WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU!" Mitsuki was barely calming down and Katsuki could care less. All the yelling was making him dizzy. He already had to deal with his frequent migraines, he didn't need the hag up his ass all night.

"No need to flip your shit hag. I'll be outta your hair tomorrow.... schools starting again." katsuki grumbled. This conversation was pissing him off. His mom was bitching about something he pulled every summer. Maybe for not as long as he had, but it was ritual for him to randomly disappear from home. She was being a dramatic mutt for no reason.

Masuru patted his wife's back before turning to his teenage pup. "It's your last year of school Katsuki! Are you ready to take after your mother as the big bad wolf?" He was silent as watched his son's face scrunch up in discontent. He was only trying to defuse the situation, but now he was curious what that face was about. Katsuki didn't respond. Instead he gruffed out a goodnight before stomping up the cottage stairs to his room.

"What the hell are we gonna do with him Masaru?" he looked at Mitsuki and sighed.

"I don't know darling...i don't know.."


Katsukis pov-

I'm not a goddamn emotional person. I dont fucking cry like a bitch or mutt or anything... but I hate my legacy.

Sure we play our roles with no consequences but for what? It just creates annoying ass barriers for the people who play the bad parts. It's supposed to keep our society in place, we all have a part to play, and no other choice besides those specific roles. Hell they even choose who we get to marry. My parents have a happy arranged marriage or whatever, but I sure as fuck know I wont marry who I want.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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