Chapter 2~new school

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✨authors POV✨


Y/n woke up around 7am on Monday morning, nervous to go to her new school and worried someone will recognise her. she went and got a shower and did her skincare routine, then put on a pair of ripped mom jeans and a tight floral top with a black beanie to match with her dr.martins. she put her belongings in her backpack and grabbed an apple and her skateboard and headed out of her house, locking the doors behind her.

On the way to school, the weather was warm and comforting and had an orangey hew. she continued to skate up the path and past the shops on her way to school, things were different here unlike in her home town she felt like she belonged. finally reaching the school she picked up her board and walked into the large building that as towering over her...*here i go*


so far the day was doing okay, she had introduced herself and was staring to make some friends but she suspected only because she was new. anyways it was now break time and she had been walking down the empty corridor on her phone when she bumped into something and fell down.

"hey I'm so sorry"-q
"no it okay i should have been looking where i was going"-y
"these phones will be the death of this generation"-q
the both laughed, and she finally looked up to see a boy, his face covered by his hood and a black bag on his back.
"you're new right?"-q
"yeah, I'm y/n...what about you ?"-y
"my names Alex its nice to meet you but Ive got to get to the library, studying you know how it is"-q
"yeah well can i at least get your socials?"-y
"i- i- i don't have any... just my number, here"-q
they exchanged numbers, said bye and walked off in opposite directions.
his voice seemed so.....familiar


school had just ended, y/n had a decent first day if she did say so herself and now she wanted to go home and relax, maybe play some Minecraft with her friends. she started skating when she saw Alex, the boy she bumped into earlier and went to say hey.

"oh uhm hi"-q
"sorry did i disturb you ?"-y
"oh no i was just listening to music"-q
"ooo can i listen?"-y
"sure i guess"-q

she put one of Alex's headphones in and then dropped dead and stared at him.

"oh so you listen to wilbur soot eh"-y
"yeah, uhm hes really good"-q
"yeah i actually am friends with him"-y

Alex stopped now turning and facing her, still not showing his face

"your friends with wilbur soot ?"-q
"ahah yeah im on a smp with him"-y
"you play minecraft?"-q
"yeah for fun but as a job too, i am a streamer"-y
"holy shit"-q
"whats wrong"-y
"how have i never seen u around then im guessing you gotta be part of the sleepy boys if your friends with wilbur or something, cause i havent seen you before"-q
"what are you talking about?"-y
"dyo maybe wanna come round to my house, my parents are at work so it wont be wierd"-q
"yeah okay then"-y
"lets go"-q


so so guys what do you think so far, i hope you like it, i wasnt gonna make them not recognise each other for long but yeah, i hope you enjoyed :))

stay hydrated and get enough sleep <3

r xx

Word count: 605

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