Phil managed to put in an order for something they could drink and a small bit of food to keep their energy up.

"So... what did you three to get on the kings black list?" Phil asked quietly

"Well- we just won a war with the dickhead and he made us come stay over and tried to get us to stay and then he had some kind of meltdown and of course we ran because I wasn't armed to the teeth like they were to protect myself- when we were running though this ugly brute with fire hands managed to burn y/n" Tommy said as he messed with his bandana.

"Oh...ok?" Phill was really more confused but soon their drinks and food were brought by and no more questions were asked as the teens removed their face coverings to eat.

As they ate, some people walked in. Some of the king's men, they went tense as did everyone else. It was Punz one of the head guards and some others that kept their helmets on. Punz walked around silently as he looked over most of them there but didn't seem to pay any mind to the four of them in the corner

"As some of you have heard...the king is upset...he's had a misunderstanding with the higher ups of the recently released L'manburg and is now looking to find and fix the issue...posters have been hung in the main square...there is a reward for anyone who can give information and if you manage to return them to the king an even larger reward...they are wanted alive and well...if any harm should come to them there will be consequences...that is all" he said and left. The four in the corner froze in fear as commotion started up again, now it was about them even though nobody seemed to know it was them. People seemed curious as the rumors ran a mile per second as well as their growing anxiety. They finished quickly and left payment on the table before they quickly covered their faces and they left the little diner quickly headed towards the exit of the town trying to avoid any guards and avoid the town square. They tried to leave quickly but it pained Y/n to move too much so they where slightly hindered by this as they made their escape and soon the sign for their leaving was seen up ahead but to their dismay not only was Punz there talking with the townsfolk but Sapnap was there as well as he was silently just watching everyone as they went back and forth.

Phil panicked a bit but soon he looked at the scared teens and he took a breath "do you trust me?" He asked quietly catching them off guard

"What?" Tubbo asked softly as worry filled him

"It's a yes or no question mate!" Phil said as he pulled them out of the view of any guards.

"I...yes...maybe? Wait yes-" tubbo said nervously. They had no idea what Phil had planned but it definitely wasn't what they expected. Phil made his way to the exit of the town the three behind him although Phil now had his hat and poncho off as he led the three to the exit. Y/n had on the bucket hat that cover her face quite a bit Andy he poncho to cover up her more lady like features to make her look more like a boy, Tubbo and Tommy on the other hand, had their hair styled in ways they wouldn't have ever even dared as Phil had made Tubbo's go more flat and hang similar to his own but it covered his face and Tommy had his in pigtails and he had on some bits of flower dye almost like some kind of poorly don't makeup as well as Phil had tried to make him just look as girly as possible. Of course the guards stopped them looking over them a bit confused

"Good day sir...not to bother you but is I assume you've heard we're looking for some members of L'manburg...would you happen to know anything about them?" Punz seemed suspicious as he looked over them

"Sorry lad but it's just me and my children today, got my boys and my pretty princess-" he smiled at them and he gently patted each of them being sure to be as affectionate as possible. Tommy was seething but he forced the best smile he could be he looked a bit scary quite honestly.

The Home I Know (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now