Chapter 1~the move

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✨authors POV✨

"I think that's the last box" y/n said to the van driver, "thank you so much for all the help". "No problem have a good day", he got back in the van after she paid him and turned to her parents as he drove off "thank you guys for letting me move out i know its sudden but i need freedom from *the town you live in*,i feel a lot better here and this way i wont wake you guys up due to my streams" her dad sighed " i just dont understand, Mexico, of all places, you want to move here?"
She wasn't sure but last time she came here it felt like home and thats when she decided to move out, she thought it would benefit all of them . "Just stay safe okay sweety" her mum smiled and she ran up to them and gave them one last hug before they got into their car and drove off.

_________a few days later_________

She didn't have a lot of stuff so she had already nearly unpacked everything. The house she moved into was upper middle class, not as nice as her parents but one of the nicer on her road. It was Saturday and she had school on Monday and as was a bit bored so decided to start a stream.

"Hey guys, how we all doing you can see I've moved into my new house, anyway I'm just gonna do a bit of a q and a today, thought we might chill a bit, if your lucky i might put media share on for you guys."

OMG HEY Y/N. Donation: spikemaster43 donated £5:00
Y/nnnnnnnnn.            I have a question, what country are you
Hey gurl hey.                                                 Living in ? Also ly btw <3

"I just moved to Mexico guys!!! And thankyou for the donation, i love you too"

Yall need to chill-

Y/n didnt know who quackity was so decided to ignore the comments and put on media share.

"Okay guys media shares on , go and send me some shit lol"

After about 20 minutes of videos y/n was getting bored.

"Okay guys one more video and then I'm gonna hop off for the day"

A video played of this guy, about the same age an y/n, he was wearing a puma beanie and a grey hoodie...

"Hey girl welcome to my crib..."

Y/n jumped when the guy fell off the pile of rubble and burst out laughing.

"Alright, alright guys I'm gonna head off in a sec but let me read some donos first...okay thankyou to......."

".....and finally thankyou captinpufffyfan06 for the £10:50 and they said... you should check out quackity, hes the one in the last video and hes a streamer too, he also lives in Mexico!!"

"Well i will defiantly check him out but for now guys I love you all, please sub to my twitch and YouTube and ill see you all on Tuesday byeeeeee"


About 30 mins later she was sitting in bed on her MacBook editing one of her new videos when she remembered she promised to watch some of quackitys stuff. Wow he has a lot of followers.
She subbed to his channel and then decided to go to sleep as it was 1:30 am. Slowly she drifted off to sleep, thinking about school and how she wasn't going to fit in but now of that worried her as she already had 3 million subscriber friends who she loved so much.


Okay so hey there will be swearing in this book as you could probably tell,and i know I'm not the best writer so I'm sorry about that lol but i hope that you all have a great day and make sure you drink plenty of water and make sure to go and get some fresh air if you can x

Okay love yall

R xx

Word count:667 words

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