chapter 2

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Izuku walked through the city, others would look at him amazed.
Who could blame them, izuku was an actual angel. Well others didnt know that.

Izuku was in front of a apartment building.

He walked in to be met with a lady at the front desk.

"Excuse me" izuku said calmly and softly.

The women looked at him and smiled.

"Hello! Welcome to ***** apartments! How can i help you?" She asked cheerfully.

"Can i rent a apartment?" Izuku asked.

She nodded and started telling izuku some details before having izuku pay.

"That will be $255 for 3 months of rent" she said.

'I need $300' izuku thought as he opened his suitcase.

And there in the suitcase was 300 bucks.

"Here you go, and keep the change as a tip for you" izuku said.

The women counted the money as her eyes widened.

"Thank you so much sir! Here is your key! I hope you have a nice stay!" She said happily as she handed him his key.

Izuku waved her goodbye as he walked to the elevator.

"Apartment 436" izuku said looking at the key tag.

He pressed the 4 for the 4th level as the elevator started moving.

'My old phone' izuku thought opening the suitcase.

"Hm, its very dirty. Thats fine, i dont need it for long" izuku said to himself as he unlocked it.

 Thats fine, i dont need it for long" izuku said to himself as he unlocked it

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"Nice room" izuku closed and locked the door behind him. He looked at the clock above a tv.

10:27 pm

Izuku looked away from the clock.

'A new phone'

He pulled a new phone from the suitcase.

This is the phone case-

This is the phone case-

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