~𝟙.𝕀𝕟 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕖𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘~

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~Third POV~

¨Once upon a time, there were three trolls. One named Poppy,¨ a cloud said as he showed us a scrapbook that was showing us what he was talking about. A pink troll popped up.

¨Hey, how's it going?¨

¨The second, Branch,¨ Cloud Guy said as a blue troll popped up beside the scrapbook Poppy.

¨What's up?¨

¨And the final one, (y/n),¨ a greyish blue troll popped up beside Branch.


¨Together, they saved the world, Poppy became queen, Branch and (y/n) found their true colors, and they all became friends,¨ Cloud guy said as he started to imitate fireworks. ¨Pretty cute, right? Not to me. I'm the type of cloud that goes for...this sort of thing¨

A bunch of dogs popped up and started to bark and yap with their adorable faces smiling and their tails wagging. Cloud Guy just reacted with an ¨Mm¨ sound.

¨Anyhoo, what Poppy, Branch, and (y/n) didn't know is that their world is a lot bigger. like a lot, lot, lot, lot bigger!¨

The scrapbook disappeared and showed us a party being held underwater. It was colorful, it was magical, and the music was loud. It was held by the king of Techno, King Trollex. They were singing a song called ¨One More Time¨.

¨What's up my Techno Trolls?¨ King Trollex yelled out to his audience as they screamed out in excitement.

¨Tonight is about family, love, and music!¨ he said as he points to the pixelated heart on his chest. The crowd cheered louder.

¨Let me see you jump!¨ King Trollex said as the audience did a wave. ¨And get ready for the drop! You ready, little buddy?¨

¨Let's do this, King Trollex!¨

¨Wait for it!¨


¨Wait for it! Wait for it!¨

¨Come on, man, hit me!¨

¨Just do it already!¨ A techno troll said in the crowd. The beat was building louder by the second. That's when it happened.

¨~One More Time~!¨ Trollex sang as he pressed the button as it sighs. It knocked the audience back with force, but they didn't mind. That's what made it fun.

King Trollex was doing his own DJ thing when he spotted something in the distance but kept on singing. He saw the thing getting closer and closer. He realized that it was coming towards them.

He stopped the music and the crowd groaned.

¨Don't worry, everybody. We'll get back to the party in a minute, let me just take care of this first,¨ he said as he swam out over to the things that were coming towards them. It stopped in front of him and he stopped as well.

It was a big angler fish with a zipper for a mouth. The zipper opened up slowly to make a sound that you would hear in music. It glowed an evil red inside. They soon heard footsteps.

¨Hey, man. There he is! King Trollex of the Techno Trolls, right?¨ a troll that looked nothing like the Technos said as she stopped at the edge.

¨That's right, who's asking?¨ Trollex asked.

¨I'm Queen Barb, of the Hard Rock Trolls. And I'm here to take you string, bro,¨ Barb said as he played an ascending chord on her electric guitar with a smirk.

¨No way!¨

¨Oh! Don't do it, man!¨

¨If we lose our string, we lose our music!¨

Barb made a funny face. ¨You mean your bleeps and bloops? Beep, beep, beep, beep-beep, boo. Ha! Yeah, that's not real music.¨

Trollex looked hurt by that remark.

¨Do you wanna hear some real music?¨ Barb then had a creepy smile on her face. She instantly put her hand up in a rock sign. ¨Rockers!¨

From behind her came more angler fish, 13 more. They all had the angler fish's mouth open. The rock trolls had a nasty smile on their faces as they held up their guitar picks.

They suddenly played a loud chord as she started to play a rock song causing to confuse many of the Techno Trolls. Barb made a very loud chord which resulted in knocking them back with great force.

¨~Here I am!~¨ Barb sang as she did a backflip while still playing. ¨~Rock you like a hurricane~!¨

At the last chord, she stuck her tongue out, which is a rock thing, and played a super loud chord. It was so big that it broke in half the Techno Trolls home. Barb looked at her work with a huger smile as she just got done painting an awesome painting.

¨Okay, okay, enough! Stop! You're harshing the vibe we worked very hard to build to!¨ King Trollex said with a crack in his voice in the end as he held onto his scared friend.

¨Oh, but at the end of my world tour, we're all gonna have the same vibe. We're all gonna be one nation of Trolls, under Rock!¨ Barb said with a smirk as she played another loud chord.

¨Who's ready to Rock!?¨

𝕆𝕡𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕤 𝔸𝕥𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥 (Trolls World Tour! Barb X Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now