First day

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It was the first day of being a Freshman at my new school. I moved to San Francisco 3 days ago so I can get used to the area and make new friends before I start school. 

I was on my way to school on my yellow bike with a basket on the bar. As I was about to turn into the school gate I fell off my bright yellow bike onto the grass with my books falling out,but my eye caught a beautiful girl with short wavy hair walking up to me. She extended her hand and shook mine and introduced herself "hello my name is Ophelia, i am m 16 you?"

 I sat up and smiled replying with "well my name is Ellie but my family calls me El and im 15" i stood up picking my school books up as she helped me. We both started walking to our classes before stopping and asking her where room 102 chemistry class was,she pointed to the room that was across the hall to us and before she left she gave me her number. 

I went to my first class smiling to myself, have I made a friend?

hi hope you enjoyed this next chapter will be out soon.

there may or may-not be a party soon*

next chapter will be longer 

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