The other male cut him off, looking at the female next to him and then back at Satoru, "Yeah, we still don't believe you."

"But don't you sense something off about her, Geto? I'm Ieri Shoko by the way, and this is Geto Suguru." Shoko spoke, walking further into Satoru's room.

"My name is Kurotsuki Yachiru!" She said, a wide smile playing on her face. Not only had she managed to reunite with her old friend, but she had made two more!

"There is something off about you. Are you really a Shinigami? I expected them to be... more scary looking." Geto inspected her face and attire, deciding she did look quite odd in terms of what she wore.

"Is this more convincing?" She asked, pulling out the bone mask from her side and placing it on her face. Satoru recognised it as being similar to the mask worn by the man who had collected Yachiru from his home all those years ago, and he wondered what it could symbolise for a moment. Her mask resembled a deformed, flat skull. Huge, wide markings around the eyes and forehead, and two large horns poking out at the top.

"Not really." Satoru laughed, making Yachiru pull another face at him once again.

"I'm supposed to wear this any time I enter the human world," She said, removing it from her face and placing it back on her hip. "But it makes my face super sweaty and I don't like it."

After a brief silence, the room was quickly filled with laughter. Yachiru gazed at the trio with a confused expression on her face, wondering what was so funny about what she said. "I don't understand." She looked at Satoru for answers, but he wasn't the one to deliver them.

"That just sounded so human." The raven haired boy spoke up once again, partially not buying Satoru's claims about this mysterious girl. "You're making it more difficult to believe."

"Oh! Well thank you." She gave him a closed eye smile.

"I don't think he meant it as a compliment..." Satoru whispered as if the other two couldn't hear him, in an attempt to wind up both Geto and Yachiru.

"Why wouldn't it be a compliment?" Her smile didn't dwindle as her eyes cast to the floor for a second, "Humans are wonderful creatures! Yes indeed, I think I love humans!" She yelled, her excitement getting the better of her for a moment.

It was silent, as the three other people in the room watched her small outburst. It was confusing for a few reasons; they weren't used to other supernatural entities being friendly, and her existence herself as a supposed Shinigami. Of course, they had been taught about their existence in their first year at Jujutsu Tech, but this is not what they were expecting from one.

In a way, they were right not to. Yachiru was a one of a kind, and while other Shinigami shared similar sympathies, they were few and far between. Most viewed all humans as weak, unable to look after themselves - they were a job, and this included Jujutsu Sorcerers.

"Are you staying this time?" Satoru asked, silently hoping that she would. Her presence made things more interesting - she was from a whole different world after all.

"Heh..." The noise left her mouth, her mind quickly trying to come up with an answer. "I'm not sure! They could come get me at any time, I'm a bit of a rule breaker you see. It'll probably take them a little longer to find me, since I'm not anywhere near my spawning point." She grinned.

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