✔Chapter XII - The cursed Prince

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"You are at the castle. Don't make any mistakes." Celia said as she led her taking on a different wing of the castle.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"To your new quarter." Celia answered.

She was led to her new chamber where she would stay with the prince. Celia came and helped her with taking off the dresses and made her wear a silk night gown. She braided her curls and instructed to wait for him.

As she waited for her husband, she didn't realise when she fell asleep.

It was almost midnight when Seraphina felt her stomach growling. She opened her eyes and found the young Prince had never arrived. She felt a little hurt.

She could not find Celia as she was in another chamber. She found it annoying. He hadn't even talked to her in the whole day at the wedding just gave her cold shoulder for the rest of the time.

It somehow irked her.

Now that they were married he didn't even come to see if she was settled in or not. On the other hand, even if he did come what would they do? Other than fighting or throwing their minds of each other? They were two sides of a coin. Just like night and day. Ice and fire. Both got on each other's nerves. It was impossible for them to get along with each other and she wondered if she could do her task properly.

Another growl came from her stomach indicating her stomach had had enough of being patient. She got out of the bed and went to look for Celia.

But the castle was very confusing and after two turns she could not find herself to go back to her room. But a door caught her attention. Not to mention the two guards. The Dragon's carving confirmed that it was the young Prince's chamber. So she was in the wing of Young Prince. Well, now that she was here, she thought she'd just check on what her husband was up to.

As she appeared in front of the door, the guards crossed their spears, startling her in the process.

"You are not allowed to enter His Highness's room." The guards told.

"Why? I am his wife!"

"Even so, nobody other than Master Valentine and the Crown Prince are allowed."

She fumed with anger as they were restricting her from meeting her husband. Was Demian this much against of marrying her? If so, then, he should have told her when they were in the Lotus Garden. She felt hurt but she would not waver back as she had all the rights to enter her husband's room. Besides, Master Valentine said to protect him until he reached the age of maturity. How would she protect him when she couldn't even see him?

"Ask for his permission then." She crossed her hands over his chest while her foot tapped on the floor making the guards eying her with frowns.

"We can not do that."

"And why not?"

Both of them were acting strange as they both exchanged a look then said, "We apologise, Princess, but we have strict orders from the prince."

They showed a face that told her they were scared. So, they had no power even to go ask for a permission. What the hell was so important in his chamber anyway?

Various thoughts accumulated in her mind. He had a pet Dragon who could kill anyone or maybe, he had some secret weapons that he will use against her. Perhaps, he had concubines or, he simply had interest in men.

Last two tugged in her head like a throne in a flesh. She gulped and looked at them with a gap in her mouth.

"Let her go." A voice bloomed behind her and she turned in its direction. It was Master Valentine in his white robe.

The guards obeyed instantly and shifted away from the door.

Master Valentine motioned her to go inside and he followed her. She slowly opened the door and entered hoping the Prince would lash out on her again however, all she saw was darkness with the faint gasps resounding from somewhere.

Seraphina walked in tentatively and noticed the particular section of the room illuminated by the silvery moonlight pouring in from the window. The bed where the prince lied breathing heavily as if he was having difficulty to breath, the veins on his neck were pulsing and the strange blue patterns were etched on his milky skin. Seraphina couldn't tear her eyes off of Demian's bare chest where the moonlight glinted off from over the black scales growing on his skin. She slowly reached out and lifted the velvet sheets and gasped in horror as she saw the scales and the blue patterns stretching from his chest down till the side of his left torso and covering half of his left arm. She was scared but somehow the fascination of being so close to such a spectacle was too enthralling for her. She hesitantly placed her fingertips over the scales and patterns on his chest feeling the scalding heat. The heat didn't bother her as she was the Fireborn but somehow his groan did, she looked up at his face expecting to see his cold blue eyes glaring at her but all she saw was an exhausted and pain filled expression that wrenched her heart.

"W-What is this?" She whispered as she looked at Master Valentine.

"Prince Demian is suffering from a curse." He said and her eyes widened.

"What curse?"

"Nobody knows what this curse is for but, one of the dragon oracles had said that when he reaches his maturity this curse will be lifted." He said and she blinked, her eyes traced the scales and the blue crack-like patterns on his body.

"So, these scales will be vanished?"

"We believe so."

"You placed a condition of only asking the princess for marriage from the human nation and refused for their mines and other things why was that?" She asked suddenly finding that question popping in her mind.

"There is an old prophecy which talks about the maiden who wouldn't be a dragonborn and she would purge the dragon lands with her holy warmth. When the human king sent us the message of alliance, we thought maybe this was the answer, and we decided to ask the human princess as the bride for Prince Demian." He said and Seraphina frowned.

She didn't understand but what she could do at the moment for Demian but she just looked at his weak body. She found he never left his quarter because of this curse and because it made him weak.

"The prince was born with this curse and only a few people know about this. He was adamant in keeping it a secret." He said, "That is the reason why, His Highness rarely leaves his chamber and nobody else is allowed to enter here."

"But he was supposed to be at the other chamber." Seraphina said and Master Valentine smiled sadly.

"I believe it'll take time for His Highness to accept you fully and let you see his weakness. You are only a powerless human in his eyes after all." He said and Seraphina frowned.

"You haven't told him about our last night's discussion?"

"Not everything. But I know he will figure it out sooner or later." He said and she bit her lower lip.

She didn't say anything but kept her gaze on his face that displayed a painful expression. She felt so stupid. He was young and suffering from the curse alone. Of course, he needed someone to take care of him.

Master Valentine eyed the grim expression on her face and thought for a moment if it would be good to leave her with the prince in his weakened state. However, he had sent a few of his people to gather information on the Flame Queen to justify her story.

"C-Can I stay here for a while?" She asked him and he found her lips tightened. Even though it was dark, he could see her redness on her cheeks.

"Alright! Stay, but try not to bother the prince too much. He prefers not to talk about his personal matters."

The princess or rather the wizard sat beside Demian and watched his face and eyed the scales growing on his skin. Master Valentine watched her from behind as he found it amusing that the heat had no effect on the new bride. Perhaps, she wasn't lying. After all, she was the Flame Queen but still he needed to have a solid proof from his sources.

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