Chapter 2

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Its being an hour since they had dinner and Clarke still hasn't brought it up. Lexa knows this Road and hoping on all hopes that Clarke does not get cold feet. Abby is really in a good mood but she can't understand why her daughter is wearing a scuff in the house not to add its summer.  "Clarke honey please take that off i'm getting hot just looking at you."

"Um, mom, I feel cold." Clarke says avoiding Lexa's eyes. Lexa walks over to Jake and they start talking about cars. Even though she's girly, she's also into Cars and other sporty stuff. Abby approaches Clarke with a disapproaval look that says "BULLSHIT"

"Don't be silly Clarke, take it off." She pulls the cloth away before Clarke's reflexes can hold the Scuff. Abby's eyes lands on Clarke's neck and there is an amused smile on her face. She gives Clarke the scuff back with a knowing look. "Are you dating and I don't know about it." Clarke shakes her head, then she nods in agreement. Maybe she will tell them finally.  "Well who is it, Are you back with Nyilah?" Clarke nods once more in agreement, hating herself for it. Lexa will be so mad.

"We are not together together but yeah I did see her today."

"And she gave you that? Come on Clarke you two always do this thing, why can't you just commit to her."

"Mom this is not like that, it was just a one time thing."

"Yeah that's what you said last time till I caught you doing god knows what to that girl upside down."

"Mom" Abby once caught them having sex and Clarke has never heard the end of it. She can only hope Abby doesn't say anything in front of Lexa she knows the woman won't be happy about it . What was I thinking, I could have just said it nothing and that am married to Lexa. damn Fuck!

The two join the other in the living room with desert. Clarke hands Lexa hers without looking at her and she sits far away from Lexa as possible.  Lexa senses the situation before Clarke can tell her this won't happen. She finishes her desert, heads to the kitchen and washes her plate before she calls. Anya.

"Anya! I can't do this anymore." She whispers, She feels like crying but that would be foolish of her if she does.

"Lexa why are you whispering and why do you sound sad what happened?" Anya asks not knowing why her sister would call her this late, well she does know but she would rather it came from Lexa herself. Her sister only calls this late when she has fought with Clarke.

"She was supposed to tell her parents and she didn't, i'm here right now at their house." Lexa sighs "What should I do, i'm tired of this"

"I need you to relax, I mean you can't tell them its Clarke's parents."

"I know that, I can't do this anymore."

"Lexa, what do you guys are married. You can't just break up you know that?" Before Lexa can say anything she feels another presence behind her. When she turns its Clarke who looks like she heard What Lexa said.

"Anya I will have to call you back."

"Don't do something stupid." Lexa hangs up and turns to Clarke. She shakes her head and starts to walk out of the kitchen before Clarke tags her hand and Lexa stops with no reaction.

"You tired?" Clarke asks and Lexa just shrugged. "I was going to tell...."

"Clarke that's enough, i'm sure you panicked." With that said Lexa takes her leave and heads to the parents and starts to say her goodbye when Abby drops a bomb. It explodes right inside Lexa's brain and ends in her guts. 

"Thank you for dinner, I will take my leave now."

"I hope I see you at the game next Saturday." Jake gives Lexa a hug, she is like his second child and deep down he always wanted his daughter to be with someone like Lexa or Lexa herself. Maybe he should do something about it.

"Its always good to spend time with you sweetheart."

"I feel the same way Abby."

"Did you know that Clarke is back with Nyilah?" Clarke is standing right behind Lexa when this question drops, Jake almost chokes on nothing, his team Lexa this is not news that he likes to here. Lexa's face goes from shocked to annoyed from zero to hundred real quick. "That's the face I had too, am telling you pump some sense into Clarke because its high time she commits to the girl instead of this rollercoaster."

"I didn't know, but I should leave. Thank you once more for dinner. Jake don't be late. " She fakes a smile and turns to leave.

"Good night Clarke, hey if you care about Nyilah you will make it official." She says with stone cold eyes. Clarke opens her mouth to say something but closes it because what would she say. I panicked and slipped up a name that's not yours. The truth of the matter is that she saw an out and she took it, because she was not ready to tell her mother that she's married.

"Tell her baby!" Abby calls from the Sofa, supporting what Lexa just said.  Clarke heads to her room while Lexa heads outside. When the door closes, Clarke comes back down stairs running to the outside for Lexa, she knows she needs to make this right.

Lexa is about to open her car when she hears the bang of the door closing. Clarke runs to Lexa who doesn't even look bothered about the loud bang. She gets in her car and when she tries to close the door Clarke is holding onto it.

"Lexa please let's talk about this."

"Let's talk tomorrow,." she tries to close the door but Clarke won't let it go and Lexa loses it. "Would you let the fuck go!" She yells and Clarke swears she sees bullets coming of her eyes, she let's go and Lexa closes the door accelerating out of the drive way like a crazy woman. Please drive safe.


Next morning Raven comes over to the Griffin's house rushing to the living room and switching the TV while Abby and Jake are having breakfast. They just go back to eating once they see its Raven.

"Clarke you need to see this." Raven shouts she puts the channel she was looking for and a picture of Lexa is displayed on the screen Jake and Abby glue their eyes on the screen too after all its their girl Lexa.   

"This better be good Raven."

"Octavia told me last night she saw Lexa with Costia and I didn't believe her so I want to here it myself." Clarke takes a seat and hopes its just a rumor but then Octavia saw her that means they met last night with her still being mad at her, this is not good. A different picture pops up with Lexa in the club in a short tight Black dress. So she went to change? Clarke thinks to herself, Lexa looked drunk and was having too much fan for an angry person. The next picture showed a certain girl whispering something to Lexa with her hand on Lexa's thigh and the other showed the two dancing, Clarke could see Costia's face very clear and her intention is what Clarke didn't like.

"So is Lexa back with Costia?" Abby asked. The last Picture showed the two leaving the Club hand in hand. Lexa was hiding her face in a snapback but everyone including Clarke knew who it was.

"Maybe she's back with her, will see who will be by her arm on Friday night." Raven said and Clarke grabbed her Car keys and rushed outside.

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