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When Saiki speaks it's the same as always "speaking" telepathically.
*when a sound is made*
When it's someone's perspective the 'thoughts' don't count unless it's Saiki or just 3rd perspective.

Mizuki's pov

"Where am I".

All i saw was black it engulfed me.
I was confused and frightened to say the least, and then it hit me.

"I'm dead"

"I was hit by a car, so this is it am i am I just gonna all of spend eternity here?"



I replied to the robotic voice that seemingly had no body but its presence was still there.

"I'm quite busy so I would like to get this over with as quickly as possible".

"I don't get it I have so many questions, like where am I-"

"I believe you'll be very pleased with where you're going".

"Wait i wasn't done what do you mean where I'm going, I still have so many ques-".

"Goodbye, have a pleasant life".

"Wait but I'm DEAAD".

I yelled toward the end as the somewhat unexpected white hole pulled me in.

"WAIT I wasn't done".

My voice went in a more normal tone at the end as I opened my eyes and took a moment to process my surroundings.

I was laying on the bed in the center of the room on my left there was a desk with a book on it. I wasn't even all that interested in reading, there was a door next to the desk I assumed it was a bathroom since there were drawers on my right.

"Where am I?"

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