Gotham and Keystone: Team Up

Start from the beginning

Tim activates his com link. "Okay there's a few places we could check. Spoiler and I will check Amusement Mile, while Impulse and Orphan check Park Row" said Tim, as the four split up. Orphan swings from her grapnel and lands on a roof. In a moments notice Impulse is standing next to her. "What's this place?" asked Bart, looking in a skylight window. "Black Mask's warehouse. One of them anyways" said Cass, pulling back her hood. As the two look in they see various dark clad men wandering around, working. Cass signals to Bart to follow her. Cass pries open a panel on a vent and both crawl in. Cass reaches the end and removes the other panel and both enter the warehouse. Cass looks back at Bart, in his bright white and red costume. "Stealth" whispered Cass. Bart nods and taps his chest, activating his outfits stealth mode, turning his white and red into black and grey. 

As the two sneak past guards, Cass sees one coming straight for them. She turns and quickly pulls Bart into cover. She lays on top of him, covering his mouth, as the two look above and see the thug walk on the wooden floor above. Bart goes slightly red, as does Cass. The two continue and reach a back room. Bart looks around at the warm, cabin lodge aesthetic of the room. "What room is this?" asked Bart, as he walked around. "Probably his office" said Cass, walking towards the desk. Cass opens several drawers in the desk until she stumbles upon something. "Bart look" called Cass, as Bart puts back the stuff he was holding. "What is it?" asked Bart, "Is this it?" asked Cass, showing him the documents. Bart takes them and reads further with his super speed. "Yeah this is it but where's the--" said Bart, as he's interrupted by a voice in the dark. "You know it's rude to snoop around other people's property" said the voice. Bart and Cass look to see Black Mask emerge from the shadows. "Where's the battery!" demanded Bart. Bart and Cass turn to the door, hearing the sound of muffled gun loading. "I wouldn't do anything rash little man, you may move faster than those bullets, but I doubt your little girlfriend can" said Black, pointing a gun at them, "Besides relax, I don't have it" said Black Mask.

Bart and Cass look at each other, confused. "Now how much would the big bad bat and the scarlet speedster pay for their kids back?" said Black Mask, as he began to laugh. Black Mask feels a gust of wind pass him. He looks to see Bart and his gun gone. He turns around to see Bart and a broken gun. "Beep, beep" said Bart, pointing behind him. Black Mask turns to see Cass charging him. Cass knocks Black Mask on the ground. "Argh screw it!" said Black Mask, pressing a button on his phone. Before Cass can react, a sticky substance latches onto her arm and she's pulled up. Cass then comes face to face with Black Spider. "Ain't you pretty" said Black Spider, jumping down and slamming Cass to the floor. Black Spider goes to punch Cass on the floor, but is parried and has his head slammed into the floor. 

Muffled running can be heard outside the office, as Bart bolts through the door. He quickly disarms the two at the door. As Bart looks around, it looks like time has stopped. He runs on the wall disarming and pushing enemies as he goes. Bart runs back to the office and throws Black Mask out a window. As Bart returns to normal speeds, Black Spider grabs Cass with his webs. Cass smiles at him as she jumps on Bart's back and shouts "GO!". Black Spider looks at his situation grimly, as Bart speeds out the window and abruptly stops, sending Black Spider flying into a parked car. "Is he dead?!" asked Bart. "No he'll be okay" said Cass, giving Bart her hands to un-web. Bart vibrates his hands, shaking the web off. Cass grabs Black Mask and grapnels up to a building, followed by Bart.

Black Mask wakes up to see Orphan and Impulse, standing in front of him. He goes to charge them but sees he's tied to the wall with Black Spider's webs. "You kids are gonna regret this" snarled Black Mask, as he thrashed about. "Yeah because the guy stuck in webs is really scary right now" said Bart, sarcastically. Cass punches Black Mask in his gut, "Okay Mask man, my friend here is gonna lay it in on you unless you tell us where the battery is and why you took it" said Bart, as Cass hit Black Mask again. Black Mask grunts as Cass keeps punching. "Okay okay, I'll talk" said Black Mask, groaning in pain. "I was asked to source it, I never had any need for it, not my type of stuff" said Black Mask. "What does it do?" asked Bart. "Like you said it's a battery, but it's not just for electricity. It can be used on people" said Black Mask. Bart and Cass share uneasy faces with each other. "That much energy could kill someone, who wanted it?" said Bart. "I don't know. I was asked to set up the robbery through a messenger" said Black Mask. Cass nods to Bart and the two walk away. "Hey! What about me?!" shouted Black Mask, "Oh don't worry, the cops will be here soon. Maybe you can talk to the pigeons" laughed Bart, as the two leapt from the roof.

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