LF4D2 Surviors (Nick)

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Last and definitely least Nick the dick (:p)


Hugh Dillon
Taymour Ghazi
Alive (Military custody)

A lifetime of drifting from city to city, finding back-alley card games and trying to stay out of jail has taught Nick two valuable lessons: Don’t trust anyone, and look out for number one.
He’d come down to Savannah looking for some gullible fish on the riverboat gambling cruise circuit. Instead he found a city about to be engulfed by infection. Now he finds himself forced together with three complete strangers in a fragile alliance that goes against every instinct he lives by. But he’s going to have to learn to trust them if he wants to survive.

Nick's slogans (pretty long)

Nick: "Are you really going to shoot the guy in a $3000 suit? Come on!"
↑ http://www.l4d.com/survivors/nick/
↑ Nick: "Hold still, I've done this before."
↑ Nick: "Shit. This swamp is going to ruin my white suit."
Rochelle: [laughs] "The white suit with zombie brains all over it? That one?"
Nick: "Brains come out. Swamp water doesn't. Don't ask me how I know that."
Coach: "Hell. Sometimes it's best not to find out what you don't know."
↑ Nick: "Coach, a germ just wiped out the whole planet. So yes."
↑ Nick: "Yeah, hahaha, a little bit more hand sanitizer and we wouldn't be in this mess."
↑ Nick: "It worked! I love you, Coach!"
↑ Coach: "Hey, the Midnight Riders! I used to LOVE that band. Best pyrotechnics in the business."
Nick: "Never heard of 'em. They any good?"
↑ Nick: "I don't have a problem with leaving the car AND you behind. Okay, Ellis?"
↑ Nick: "Don't sweat it, Ellis. At least you got us out of that mall."
↑ Nick: "God DAMN you, Jimmy Gibbs, Jr."
↑ [If Ellis accidentally shoots Nick] Nick: "Hey sport, watch where you're shooting!"
↑ [When Nick helps Ellis get up from being incapacitated] Nick: "Come on, champ. Let's get you on your feet. You'll be okay."
↑ [When Nick helps Ellis get up from being incapacitated] Nick: "Easy there, fireball."
↑ [When Ellis gives Nick first aid, pills, or adrenaline] Nick: "Thanks, killer."
↑ Ellis: "Yo, I got a new thing I hate: mud people."
Nick: "I'm with Ellis, I hate these mud people."
↑ Nick: "Ro! Just...just stop, okay?"
↑ [Possible conversation in the safe room at the start of The Underground] Rochelle: "Compared to you, Nick, he was downright nice."
Nick: "Go to hell."
↑ [In the sewers of the The Underground] Rochelle: "Hey, Nick. Splash fight!" Nick: "Don't you DARE."
↑ Nick: "C'mon... I saw the way you were looking at him."
↑ Nick: "I don't know... he fills out a vest pretty good."
↑ Nick: "I don't trust that biker. He better still be here."
↑ Zoey: "Boohoo hoo, I don't know what to do… Go to hell, Colonel Sanders."
↑ Zoey: "I could shoot you where you stand."
↑ Nick: "Wouldja lighten up? Man, no one can take a joke anymore."
↑ Nick: "Ellis, did you get that girl's name? 'Cause I can tattoo it on your ass. She'll like that."
↑ Louis: "Just go fill up that generator and we'll lower the bridge. Even if you are acting like that."

(Nick is a ass hole ofc and he's 5'11)

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