Every Movement - Chapter 1

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Ever since the fateful day when Hinata had passed that television screen tucked behind store glass, he had been enamored. The way the two dancers stood in the phantom light, the world dark and missing except for the stage that held them up, the way their muscled bodies attracted attention and stole the breaths of thousands. Even with the television on mute, it was like Hinata Shoyo could hear the music and see every thrum of instruments ringing through the movement of the two dancers. Spun and forced all eyes to them and only them.

It was like they were merging into one, every movement planned and precise, an impossible to understand bond moving their feet as one. If Hinata hadn't been completely smitten then then he would be after one of the leads swirled away and Shoyo could feel the intensity of the music ring out as she raced forward, lean body curving with elegance before she...

She leaped.

No, she flew.

She soared across the stage like a bird caught in the winds above the clouds, stretching her arms like massive wings were arching off of her back, sending her elegance and passion and stealing the hearts of thousands. And then...

She landed in the arms of her other half who cleanly swirled, the music their bodies made soothing down in a low thrum and even through the two small pieces of glass plus the hundreds of miles away, Hinata could feel the passion and the joy the two dancers expressed and that same beautiful emotion sparked something in his chest.

His thoughts resonated around five words and five words only, a craving, a dream, a need.

He wanted to fly.


Five years later, Shoyo walked side by side with Kageyama as they went to practice.

Practice at Kurasuno High's boy ballet club, one of the things Kurasuno was known for, meant the world to Shoyo, dancing in general meant the world and everyone part of that club agreed. Including the moody raven haired by at his side. "Baka!" Hinata snorted, arms jostling his bag as he crossed them. "I thought we would let me take the lead this time?" He whined in his loud voice.

Kageyama snorted, rolling his eyes cobalt blue eyes, "No we didn't dumbass, I said it wouldn't work!" He scoffed, lips twisted into a scowl. Kageyama, one of the strongest dancers of the club, was a tyrant and Hinata remembered clearly back in middle school when he joined up in a ballet tournament only to be crushed by the raven haired boy.

"Why not!?" Hinata argued, "I'm just as good as a dancer as you, taking the lead will be easy!" As he spoke he did a faint twirl and a skip as if to show off, his body radiating with energy that craved to be released. Despite Hinata being able to dance well on his own, both Daichi and Ukai agreed to team him up with Kageyama from the start, and boy was it tough at first. Conflicting personalities, conflicting dancing styles. While Kageyama was clean cut, well placed, solid and smooth. Hinata was nearly the opposite, he carried a wild energy, his body waiting to explode and leap, waiting for his wings to sprout, he was hard to predict, quick and his rhythm was something else. But what stuck out most for Hinata was his leap.

"Because you're short!" Kegayama said, giving the back of Hinata's head a wack, causing the male follower to grimace and rub the sore spot.

"Ouch," He muttered before his brain downloaded the insult, "That still doesn't mean I can't lead!" The red head argued back, narrowing his almond colored eyes in agitation, the gold flakes tossed in the brown seeming to spark up.

"You dumbass, yes it does! It would be impossible to do certain moves and it would just look awkward," Kageyama went in for the kill, "Have you seen Noya take the lead with Asahi?"

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