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The pandemic is hard. So if no one has asked you in a while. Are you really ok?


At exactly seven in the morning, the curtains automatically pull away and instead of showing the familiar sunlight that brightened up the room. The small family was met with heavy rains that dripped down the floor to ceiling water at a faster rate than they could count. 

Type sat up in the bed first, he rubs at his eyes sleepily before looking over at his husband and son. Kyong laid on his back on Tharn's chest with Tharn's hand wrapped securely around him.  He found himself smiling softly at the image. When he married Tharn and asked him what his next goal in their relationship was he did not think he would find himself with child just a few months later. The two twenty-five year old's were excited for the baby, especially Tharn who immediately took out his GoPro to video the memory. By the next day everyone knew that Type was the first to continue the Kirigun family name. 

"What are you doing?" Tharn mumbles from beside him with his eyes half closed, straining to see in the slightly dark room without his glasses. 

Type flops back down into the bed and rolls over so he was facing his family, "Thinking."

Tharn hisses, "Oh no." Type punches him but make sure to only do it at a force where the baby would not be wake up. 

"Its seven in the morning, why are you bullying me?" Type pouts but couldn't stop the small smile that takes over his lips when Tharn grins at him.  Which leads him to blush furiously. 

Tharn chuckles at Type's cuteness, "Aren't we pass the honeymoon phase now princess." He teases. 

Type glares at the nickname, "Don't call me that." With that he leans over to kiss his lover on the forehead and his son on the cheek. "Am going to make breakfast." 

He sits up and proceeds to climb off the way too high bed before he feels a slap on the ass. 

"Why go through all that trouble when we could just eat each other." Tharn winks at him.

Type slaps his hand away before standing up beside the large modern bed, "Can you at least speak as if you have a child."

"You will always be my baby Type Kirigun."  He flirts pathetically. 

"Fuck off , that was so disgustingly cheesy." Type tries to hide his giggles with a scowl. 

Tharn looks down at his son and back up at Type, "Can you at least speak as if you have a child."

The smaller male ignores his lover's giggles and slowly make his way to the shower and to brush his teeth that because his mouth tasted too much of Tharn and that pisses him off, in everything that man dominates him. 

In a few minutes Type is in the kitchen shaking a bottle furiously trying to cool it down while he makes a whole full course breakfast for him and Tharn. Usually they would have cooks but Type did not want them to leave their home in the bad weather. Right as  he took the eggs off the fire a loud wail breaks out into the large house sounding that Kyong has risen. 

In a matter of seconds, Tharn is hurrying down the stairs before he puts his son in Type's arm. Type scowls at Tharn's recklessness but doesn't shout when he realizes that he is on the phone. Kyong's small fists clench unto Type's sweater and he bawls into his dad's chest. 

Type grabs the bottle and walks over to the counter before climbing up and rest the baby in his arms before plugging his mouth with the small bottle. Kyong immediately stops crying and begins to suck on the bottle meanwhile staring at his dad with wet eyes. 

"Look how adorable you are." Type gushes over his son "Well of course you are, you look like me." Type boasts, he is about to run his hand through his son's dark hair before he feels two heavy hands slap fall unto his thighs. There is Tharn with a piece sausage hanging from the side of his lips as he speaks formally on his phone using his airpods.

"-no Janet, those mixtapes are not to be released until the 20th, I can't come to the office. No. Goodbye Janet." Tharn rolls his eyes before clicking the airpods and focus all his attention of his son. 

Tharn strokes Kyong's hair, "I was talking to this important client when he screamed, lucky the client has kids." 

Type nods, leaning over and biting off piece of the sausage Tharn is chewing on idly. Tharn smirks but makes his face serious again. 

"He is not sleeping in the nursery baby and if every time he cries we coddle him he's going to grow clingy and that will affect him." Tharn tries to reason, placing a soft kiss on Type's hand. 

Type glares at his lover, "Affect you or him. He's just six months, a baby, he will grow out of it." 

"P'Type," Tharn pouts "Our sex life is taking a hit right now." 

"We had sex last night." Type scowls at Tharn for even having this conversation around his son. "Can we not talk about this right now, there is literally a child between us." 

Tharn looks down and rolls his eyes, "He does not even respond to his own name."

"What the fuck? you are being too ignorant right now. Now get your shit together, it's not always about sex. Did you marry me because the sex is good?" 

Tharn ignores Types question and stares as he pretends to be interested in the ceiling. "Well-"

"Disgusting." Type hops off the counter, before walking away with the sleepy baby still gulping down the milk. He place the baby in his rocking chair and he immediately opens his eyes when the cartoons on the screen interests him. 

Tharn quickly pulls Type into his body, his hands digging into Type's waist as he nibbles on his neck, "Don't you miss how we were though, at it every time we got the chance." 

Type makes a grunt of opposition but Tharn only pushes his hand into his sweatpants and grips his ass firmly making Type furious enough to push him away with tears in his eyes. 

"Don't fucking touch me." 

Before Tharn could respond the doorbell rings and Type is already running up the stairs.

Thank you for reading. 

 I wrote this because I did not have any homework but school has turn me into workaholic  so I could not sleep. I promise am working on it. As for now enjoy this chapter. Next chapter is hot.....I think. Lol. 

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