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I wake up in my bed, or at least I thought it was. It took me a minute to realize I was serenity's room. I look over and find her small frame comfortably sleeping in her chair I had bought for her on Christmas. (Yea I know imma simp for her bite me) I get out of bed as soon as my foot hits the floor an immeasurable amount of pain swells through my leg.

I hit the ground with a loud thud startling her awake. She looks at me with absolute rage for having woken her up.

"What the hell Zander, you're wounded why are you outta bed?" She snaps.

I stammer looking for words to explain myself but the only thing that comes out is a little squeak.

"Charming, first you turn into that...that thing and now you're squeaking like a field mouse." She sighs.

She helps me off of the floor and forces me back on her bed. What's worse, she tucked me in tightly so I wouldn't get outta bed.

"Hey know, I might have to use the bathroom at some point? This is a lil too tight for me." I say chuckling to myself.

She rolls her beautiful doe eyes and walks away.

"Pervert." She whispers.

"I heard that hutch rabbit." I say back.

As soon as the words left my lips I immediately regretted them. She sprinted towards the bed hopped on top of me and growled at me.

For some odd reason my lower region was responding to her growls. She looked so gorgeous baring her cute little fangs at me, and so I bore mine at her having gained some control over...whatever that was last night I allowed the pain to enlarge my teeth and canines.

She smirked and got off of me the walked away with a bit of sass to her hip swishing.

She looks back and smiles at me.

"Not boy." She calls walking to the kitchen.

Damn her she knows that those words turn me on with a passion. Now I get to lay here in her bed fully erect dreaming of sinking my teeth into her soft pale neck.

After about 10 minutes I struggle to get the blankets off of me to no avail. I allow the pain to sink in a bit more and let it enhance my muscles. I guess it was too much I started to fade from reality and slip back into a cold deep slumber.

"Zander...Zander...wake up little demon." A familiar voice calls.

I wake up, but this isn't serenity's room. I'm in a dark damp cell chained to the bare ground.

"Ah, there you are you know who am I boy?" The voice call out.

I stare at the point on the wall where the voice was emanating from. A small black hole begins to form getting larger by the second.

"Answer me boy, do you know who I am?" The voice calls out.

I sigh "Look dick crown, if I knew who you were I'd answer but obviously I don't."

The voice laughs hysterically at my remark.

"Seems you do have a voice, no one has ever been so bold as to talk to me in such a manner." It said.

I grin "well as you can see I'm not average no one asshole." I say with confidence.

Again, immediately regretted my poor choice of words. The chain around my neck ignited into flames, burning my neck and shoulders to a crisp.

I scream out in fear and pain, but after a moment I realize that the same pain I'm feeling from the chain is the exact same feeling as before.

I feel my humanity slipping away my arms begin to grow muscular and my veins begin to pop out my teeth become sharp as blades. My fingers become claws.

"Haha the transformation has happened before Zander, you will be the end of all humanity and pave the way for a new world." The voice laughs.

I wake up with a start clawing at serenity who was just shaking me awake. Before my clawed arm connected with her soft face I stopped mere inches away from it.

"I...I...I...I'm sorry bunny." I whisper tears running down my face.

She hugs me and shushes me, massaging my head and singing me back to sleep.

"It's ok Zander, it was just a nightmare...there's nothing for you to fear I promise I'll stay by your side no matter what." She says smiling.

Its now midnight and I can't sleep, thank God it was Sunday and not a school day. My mother would've killed me if I missed school. I sit up and just watch serenity sleep. She looks so beautiful curled up like a bunny (hence the nickname bunny or hutch rabbit) I  can't believe I have to keep my feelings inside.

But I have bigger issues to think about like, who the hell was that and what am I? I need answers and the only one who could possibly know is my mother. Now that I think about it my mother never let me go into one room of the house we live in said she'd tell me when the time was right. I think its time for an explanation.

(You're right Zander it is time for an explanation, I wanna know just what im doing inside of a weakling like you and I can't remember shit.)

"What the fuck...who...who's there?" I whisper.

(Sorry I keep forgetting things my name is shyrak pronunciation shi-rock.)

This weekend just keeps getting better first I transform now there's a voice inside of my head.

(By the way I'm quite real in case you were wondering I've been in your bloodline for a while.)

"Then how do you not remember anything? Like what sense does that make shyrak?" I ask slightly annoyed.

(Part of the curse Targon left on me when I killed his first wife and child.)

"I thought i had issues, killing a woman and a child doesn't sound like you have morals." I say snickering.

(She laid with my husband and Targon killed him, so I paid him back ten fold.)

"Makes sense...I suppose, you might be able to help me then shyrak...please tell me what am I exactly?" I ask.

I hear her take a deep breath and for some odd reason I sense sadness in her voice.

(, you are the son of the man that killed my husband eons ago. You are half human half demon and your real name is...)

"No, my real name is Alexander Mays!" I say cutting her off.

Serenity wakes up with a start and stares at me blankly.

"What happened? Did you have another nightmare?" She asks.

I look at her and smile.

"Yes love that's all it was...just another nightmare, go back to sleep now sorry for waking you up." I say.

She crawls out of the chair and lays next to me with her head on my chest. This is her bed after all so I can't complain.

"I'm here Zander now go back to sleep...and you better not have another nightmare." She says gently caressing my face.

I laugh "I can't control that bunny but more nightmares...I hope."

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