Chapter 5

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I was at home alone watching winx club in my black shorts and orange long sleeve shirt when I heard the phone ring. Rolling my eyes in annoyance, I ignored it. The person kept on calling back, so finally I decided to answer it. I checked the caller id but I couldn't recognise the number, and it said unknown name. I picked it up.
"Hello, is Sarah Anwar there?"
"Actually, you are talking to her right now" I answered in confusion
"Is your parents or guardians there?"
"They're not available at the moment, is there anything I could help you with?"
"Actually yes, do you think you could make your way down to longboard hospital?"
"What for? Who are you?"
I was bewildered at this woman, telling me to meet her at a hospital when I barely know who she is
"I'll explain everything when you get here, I'm sending some police officers over to your house right now to pick you up. You're best friend Noami keeps on asking for you."
"Oh my lord is she hurt?"
"Like I said, I'll explain everything when you get here. I'll call your parents to let them know where you are."
I was hesitant to reply, I didn't know this lady, how was I suppose to trust her? But Noami is hurt..
"Alright, I'll be ready in 10 minutes"
I hung up. I left a note for my family telling them everything I knew, and I texted my friend to tell her where I would be just in case anything happened. I rushed upstairs, washed my face, moisturised it. I slipped into my green jeans, grey hoodie, black hijab, black boots, green jacket, and pink hat. I heard a knock on my door, I looked through the peephole to see whom it was. It was a lady with dark long hair.
"Who is it?"
"Hi my name is Detective hostess, I'm here to pick you up"
She flashed me her badge, I opened the door a crack and peered out. She smiled at me, so I opened the door enough to let myself out. I locked the door and put the key in my pocket. I walked to the black mini van with detective Hostess.
"So detective Hostess, what are you exactly?"
"Well you can call me Emily for starters, and I'm a special victims unit detective."
She started driving. I looked up at her, debating whether I should ask what's happening or keep quiet. Curiosity got the best of me.
"What happened to Noami? Why is the police involve? The svu unit? Is she dead? Will-"
All of a sudden we came to a halt.
"Woah slow down there tiger. I'll answer all your questions. I'll let agent Jennifer answer what happened to her, she's fine for now. She just kept on asking for you so we searched you up."
I sighed in relief. She's fine, that's good.
"We're here!"
I've been so deep in thought I didn't realise we had arrived. I stepped out of the car, and followed Emily since she knew where she was going. I was lead up a few flight of stairs until we arrived to floor 7. We walked into this hallway, with a bunch of security guards standing around.
"Wait here"
I faced Emily and nodded. She walked into the room while the men gave me scary glares. I felt terrified, I couldn't wait until Emily came back. About 5 minutes later, I tried walking into the room but one of the men grabbed me and handcuffed me. I started yelling and kicking as they started leading me away. Emily came running out with a pistol in her hand. My eyes bulged out, was she going to shoot my brains out? She yelled at the men to let me go. The second they uncuffed me, I ran out of there. I heard Emily yelling behind me, but I didn't turn back. All I kept thinking about was how I was going to die. I knew I shouldn't have trusted them! I ran until I thought I had lost her. I looked around and went in a café. I went straight to bathroom, hid in a corner and curled up in a corner. I was there for about fifteen minutes until somebody knocked.
"I'll be out in a minute"
I rinsed my face and quickly dried it. I put some Vaseline on my lips and opened the door.
"Sorry for the wai-"
It was Emily. I started yelling for help, but she covered my mouth and told me to take a walk with her.
"No! Are you trying to kidnap me? Because I told my parents where I would be and I told my friend."
Emily laughed
"No honey I'm not trying to kidnap you. If you want instead of a walk we can grab some lunch?"
I nodded slowly, but then changed my mind.
"Let's go on a walk instead."
Emily looked at me strangely.
"Aren't you hungry? It's 4:00 on the afternoon and you've had a rough morning."
My stomach agreed with her but my mind didn't.
"No I'm fine, I had a very big breakfast and a few snacks" I lied
She nodded at me, not fully believing it but I was glad she would stop asking.
She held the door open for me and we walked out of that Café with as much dignity as possible.
"So do you mind telling me what happened in the hospital?" Emily asked.
"The men there were staring at me intensely and it scared me. I tried going into the room to look for you but the grabbed me and cuffed me. Then I see you with your gun pointed at me. I thought you were going to kill me! So I ran the moment they uncuffed me."
She nodded and smiled at me sympathetically.
"I wasn't going to shoot, I thought something had happened outside so I wanted to protect you."
I looked down at my shoes. This was so awkward. I wasn't really the emotional type.
"Can we go back to the hospital? I want to see Noami."
"Sure, the car is a few streets over."
After getting into the car, we drove off and came back to longboard hospital. I started biting the inside of my cheeks in nervousness. Emily smiled at me reassuringly and grabbed my hand. I was embarrassed, I mean what fourteen year old needs someone to hold their hand. I slowly slipped my hand away from her. She didn't seem to notice. We walked past the men, whom seemed to be staring at me more intensely that before. Emily led me into the room, which revealed 2 blonde women, a tall dark muscular guy, and Noami.
I gasped.
They all turned to face to me.
What is going on here?

Yet another cliffhanger! I seem to be doing that a lot. I promise I'll upload two more chapters because I have a long weekend and no social life. I hope you guys enjoy! Any suggestions? Please comment and vote! Thanks a ton guys!!

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