Chapter 1: Izuku's condition

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Kirishima Pov:

"This is it man we get to see Izu again!!!" I say over the roof of Bakubro's sports car. I was beyond excited to see my little bro again. I missed him so much. "Yea I can't wait. Do you think he is going to be you know (Better)?" Bakubro asked. I didn't know how to answer that I mean how do you get over something like he was put through? Anyway, no time for thinking or talking anymore. It is time to go see my little bro. "Come on Bro let's go in we have been standing here in the parking lot for like 15 minutes." He nodded his head and we walked into the mental health institute. "Hello, how may I help you?" the lady at the front desk asked. "Yes, we are here to discharge my brother Izuku Midoriya," I stated all excited. "Oh yes I see here Izuku is to be going home today. However, before that can happen you will have to meet with the team of people that have been taking care of him. I will page them for you." she states. With that, we sit on a couch by the entrance and wait. " who do you think we are meeting?" I asked, looking at Bakubro. "Probably like his doctors or some shit," he said looking annoyed. I don't think he likes the fact that we have to wait longer. You see after everything happened and we all calmed down Bakubro admitted something to me that I wasn't ready for.


This was a year ago,

Katsuki and Kirishima were walking back from school to their shared apartment that they got before high school started. "Hey, Kirishima can we talk?" Katsuki asked as they made it to the front door. What Katsuki wanted to talk about was the one thing eating at him since Izuku left. "Sure man, what's up? you never call me by my real name unless something is really important." Katsuki gave Kirishima a serious look that gave Kirishima a feeling that what this was, was going to be big. Katsuki has them take a seat on the couch then Katsuki starts, "we are friends right? And nothing can ruin that as long as we are honest with each other right?" the questions scared Kirishima. He couldn't understand why Katsuki was asking such things and why he was being so soft about it. "Yeah man, we are bros for life you know that what is going on?" Katsuki took a deep breath then looked down not wanting to see Kirishima's face once he said what he was about to. " you see the day we rescued Deku something happened... I touched his shoulder while I was checking on him and I felt it." Kirishima's eyes widened. It was clear what Katsuki was trying to tell him but he needed to hear it. "Felt what Katsuki?..." the use of his first name shook Katsuki in his seat. "I um...I felt the connection you have with your fated mate. I don't know how or why but I needed you to know. I would never hurt Izuku you know that." Kirishima just sat there contemplating how to handle this news. There were no words. It's not like Kirishima could do anything. The fated mate's connection is unbreakable and when it's between an Omega and Alpha it's super strong. Nothing could keep Katsuki away from Izuku or vise versa. "Well, shit... well it's not like I can do anything. You treat him good or I will hunt you down." Katsuki nodded. "You know I will treasure him and as for us being best bros for life?" Kirishima looked at Katsuki and smiled "Yea we are still Best Bros."

End of Flashback

Still Kirishima's Pov:

I mean I don't know how patient I would be if it were my fated mate we were waiting on. Nevertheless, it's still my little Izu so I am starting to get impatient too. After some time three people walk over two betas and one omega. "Hello, we are Izuku's Care team I'm his around-the-clock nurse Emma." the Omega women said. We stood and shook her hand then the others introduced themselves. "Good Morning I am Izuku's Therapist Dr.Iven." "And I am Izuku's Doctor Dr.Isabel it's nice to meet you." After introductions they lead us to a bedroom. "Here is Izuku's room. He isn't here at the moment so we are taking this time to share with you his progress and his life changes here." Dr.Iven said. We took a look around the room. It was quite empty yet cozy there was a nice-sized bed, dresser, closet, private bath, workspace for school, but had a little expression to it. The walls weren't colorful like his old room, the bed was plane, and when we looked into his stuff there wasn't anything regarding entertainment No phone, No Tv, No toys, No anything. "Um excuse me but where are all of Izuku's things I mean I don't see any toy, electronic, or colorful thing in sight," I asked looking at the nurse. "Oh yell you see we tried to get him to pick out things like that but he didn't take to it and as for electronics no patient is allowed those, however, once we are done talking I will show you one of Izuku's most favorite hobbies he enjoys doing here." we both nodded our heads and I just focused on looking around. "So where is Izuku?" Bakubro asked. "He is in his group at the crafting center at the moment." the nurse said. " We wanted to explain Izuku's progress and what it's going to take to release him into your care." Dr.Isabel stated. " Come seat, first we will discuss what we discovered when he first arrived going over his physical health charts with you then we will look at them from the ones we took last week. Next, we will look at his sync evaluations and emotional charts from then and now. Then lastly we will talk about what has to happen in order for him to be integrated back into society." I looked at Bakubro worriedly. This was started to frighten me. Bakubro looked the same way. Dr. Isabel took out some papers and an Ipad pulling up Izu's physical charts and examinations from before, " As you can see it was apparent to us that the assault that took place was not the first time something like that had happened to Izuku." My heart stopped, what did she mean not the first time? "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN? I THINK WE WOULD HAVE KNOWN IF SOMETHING LIKE THAT WAS GOING ON FOR MORE THAN THAT ONE TIME!!!" Bakubro screamed at her visibly shaking. I couldn't say anything I was also shaking. How could I have not known? "Please I understand this is a lot to handle and I can understand you not knowing if Izuku hid it from you. However, if we are going to let him go home we have to go over all of what we found and worked on." I tried calming down some and nodded my head for her to proceed. "Ok thank you, if you look here there is a history of sexual abuse seeing tares and scaring in his anus, then there are also signs of physical abuse showing past sprains in his wrist, neck, shoulders, and ankle, internal bleeds in his adamant, face, and lower region, and even a crack in his parietal." My eyes widened how was it possible that all that could have been going on and I never noticed I would have sensed or at least smelled his pain. I took another glance at Bakubro. He was extremely focused on what she was saying yet at the same time he looked broken. His face showed only pain but not for himself it was for Izuku. It hurt him knowing all that happened, what that man caused. "Now if you look at the charts and examinations from just a week ago you can see that he is mainly healed there are still some scaring that we can't fix but as long as he isn't raped or part of any rough sex it shouldn't be any problem." we nodded and I glared at Bakubro knowing that we would have to talk about that later. After Dr.Isabel was done catching us up on Izu's physical outlooks we turned our attention to his therapist. " Ok, so as you know with physical trauma there is also mental trauma," he stated. "Yes we understand that so how bad is it?" I asked now, watching him take out his papers and Ipad. "Izuku has been getting better, however, it's still a long way away before we get him to a space where he will feel safe again. You see when Izuku came here he was diagnosed with severe PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, and Psychogenic mutism meaning that he has locked all his words away." I was confused. What does he mean by locking his words away? "WHAT DO YOU MEAN LOCK ALL HIS WORDS AWAY?!" Bakubro anxiously screamed at him. "Izuku has it in his head that when he talks he will get in trouble or that he is simply not allowed to so mentally his brain won't allow him to talk until he feels like it's safe to. He is mute, it's not that he forgot it's that he can't." I see that makes sense, the old man did always hate when Izuku made any type of noise exactly happy ones. "Izuku has panic attacks when met with anything that resembles his father or past events, for example, smells that resemble, and seeing objects. He doesn't sleep well either suffering from night terrors so we have him on sleeping aids. He is also on PTSD Psychotic medication, Antidepressants, and Anxiety medication. He doesn't have any trouble eating so you shouldn't have trouble there." Damn, that is a lot I thought this place was supposed to make him better. "Oh and one more thing here we try to find a way for each patient to express themselves or find something that calms them," He stated. "Yes, nurse Emma mentioned he had a favorite hobby here." I said. "Yes, here we will go ahead and take you to Izuku. He should still be in the craft group." we got up and followed them out of Izuku's room down the hall into a room that looked like a craft store. 

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