Start Of A Complex Boy

Start from the beginning

Harry starts to feel ashamed of himself and how he reacted to this whole situation. Of course Hermione was just looking out for him, she didn't do it out of spite. She doesn't have a reason to.

"I know, Y/N..." Harry whispers, his hands slowly clawing his pant leg. Ron, on the other hand, feels his fist clenched and his anger rise. This whole thing just seems to get the red head more and more ignited.

"I only did it because I was worried." Hermione calls out over Y/N's shoulder, hoping that by hearing her voice that it would help a bit.

"Exactly." Y/N co-signs. "And although Hermione could have explained her reasons to you, Harry, before she reported it, she only did for your safety."

This simply causes Ron to scoff to himself, which isn't unnoticed by Y/N, who simply decides to continue his spill instead.

"And besides, it's not like Professor Mcgonagall is going to keep it forever. You'll most likely get it back before the next match. So what the hell is there to be fretting about?" Y/N asks outloud.

"You're right..." Harry whispers as he looks up apologetically and takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you Hermione."

Ron looks at Harry beside him like he lost his damn mind. "Harry, what are you-"

"It's okay, Harry." Hermione whispers, now having the confidence to come around Y/N's back and fully face the two boys on the couch. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you beforehand about reporting the Firebolt."

"No, I'm sorry." Harry insists as he stands to his feet. "Our friendship is more important then any broomstick."

Y/N can't help but clap his hands together, a smile directed at the both of them. "This is what it's all about. Go on, you two. Bring it on."

Hermione and Harry giggle as they embrace each other warmly, not noticing Ron quickly get to his feet, his face damn near about to burst like a balloon.

"THIS IS BLOODY RIDICULOUS!" He roars, causing Harry and Hermione to let go of each other in fright. Y/N squints his eyes suspiciously as he can feel the classic "Weasley rage" about to commence.

"So that's it, huh? She gets your firebolt confiscated and all she has to do is have Y/N come to her rescue?!"

"What the hell is your problem?" Y/N asks. "You're acting like it's YOUR broom."

"That's not the point!" Ron snaps vividly.

"Then please, arrive at the point." Y/N throws back, trying his best not to let his emotions run wild like they did earlier with Malfoy.

"Look Ron.." Harry sighs, trying to calm his mate down. "It's unfortunate, but it was the right thing for her to do. It shouldn't stop us from being her friend."

Ron doesn't seem to be listening as his breathing gets shallower. "You two are just being soft on her because she is growing tits."

Y/N instantly goes to lunge at Ron but Hermione quickly holds him back, standing in front of him and leaving her hands on his chest. More worried about Y/N going on a outburst then anything Ron is saying.

Harry freezes in disbelief. "What?"

"You heard me, Harry." Ron spits out. "She's leading you two on. Girls do that. She's the one who betrayed you, and five minutes later you're all hugged up on her."

"Ron, don't be stupid." Harry says, begging for this not to get too out of hand.

"No, YOU TWO are being stupid." Ron insists, putting Scabbers into his robe pockets. "I'm just telling the truth, and she is making you two side with her. Charlie told me this would happen as we got older. It's suppose to be blokes before birds, right? She betrays us, and all is fine?!"

Hermione is urging Y/N to take deep breaths, going through the motions with him like a teacher. He knows he must calm down, he doesn't want to have the urge to kill Ron like he did with Malfoy. Soon, he relaxes enough to simply hang his head down and wait for the "Ron episode." to get off the air.

"I didn't betray you!" Hermione lashes out, her turn to finally give Ron a piece of her mind. "I was trying to keep Harry safe. So what, you want me to do penance? How about I help you with your homework? Oh, that's right, I already do that!"

Ron scoffs at the way she put it. "Oh please! You mean like lording over us about how good of a student you are!"

"Will you both just calm down?!" Harry asks as his head his starting to ache from the back and forth.

"Siding with her again, huh?" Ron says with a growl.

"There are no sides!" Harry argues. "I'm waiting for you to calm down."

"Ron." Y/N voice finally cuts in, but in a much softer but still authoritative tone."How about you just go? You being here is a nuisance at this point."

Ron simply stands there, fuming at the nerve of the three Gryffindor's for not understanding where he is coming from.

"Now!" Y/N says a bit louder. "Leave!"

Ron snorts and talks stalks out the portrait hole, leaving the trio to dwell by themselves. Harry attempts to run after Ron, but Y/N grabs his arm before then.

"No. Leave the git be." He orders as Hermione hugs herself while swaying side to side. Harry takes a second to think it over before nodding.

The three friends simply plop themselves on the couch and do their best to attain a sense of that can even come close to "relaxing."

Y/N, who is in the middle, puts his arms around each of his friends shoulders, doing his best to remind himself that he does indeed have friends that have his back.

The dark urge to prove himself is subdued for now, but evil things always rear their ugly heads. It's just a matter of time of when his "god complex" feels the need to make a second appearance.

"So...that was fun..." Y/N says as he attempts to ease the tension. "All things considered."



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