Chapter 7

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~Down In The Bunker~

Coming Down The Elevator, Branch Quickly Went Into His Bunker, Gathering The Stuff He Needed To Move, Like King Peppy's Orders

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Coming Down The Elevator, Branch Quickly Went Into His Bunker, Gathering The Stuff He Needed To Move, Like King Peppy's Orders.

"Alright Branch, Trollstopia Isn't Safe Anymore Thanks To These So Called Trolliens, So Take Only What You Need"
Branch Told Himself.

Branch Grabbed His Giant Travel Bag From His Shelf And Began Putting Stuff In It Rapidly.

"Clothes! Shorts! Journal! Crocko! Jacuzzi Speedo! Night Light! Toothbrush! OOH! MY STRESS BLANKIE"
Branch Pointed All Out.

"Hmmm...What Else...OH YEAH! FIRST AID KIT! OF COURSE! Safety First Always!"
Branch Grabbed His First Aid Kit.

Branch Tapped His Chin.

Branch Went To His Private Shelf.
"Okay Gary! We Gotta Move Out So Let's-"

Before Branch Could Grab Gary, He Glanced At A Photo Of Him Giving Poppy A Piggy Back Ride.

Before Branch Could Grab Gary, He Glanced At A Photo Of Him Giving Poppy A Piggy Back Ride

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Branch Froze For A Moment, Looking At The Photo And Picked It Up.

The More Branch Looked At It, The More He Thought About What Could Happen To Poppy If The Trolliens Struck Again At The Trolls, And If He Were To Lose Her From That.

Branch's Ears Went Down A Bit With A Sigh.

Branch Put The Photo Back And Turned Around At His Travel Bag, Sudden Having Second Thoughts.



The Elevator Came Back Up With Branch On It, And Walked Off The Platform.

Branch Put His Hands In His Pocket And Leaned On His Bunker Rock.

Looking Out At Trolls Going Through Damaged Pieces Of Their Homes, Branch Kept Thinking Of Poppy And His Friends Safety From This.

Trolls: SPACED Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant