1. The text.

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You where laying on your dorm bed, Waiting for your hair too dry from the shower you had just previously had.

You where scrollin through your Instagram feed and a DM from a friend just came your way. It was from Sero Hanta, A classmate.

You weren't busy, So you looked at the text. ‘Hey, Can you meet me or can we call or something, Y/N?’ The text said.

You wondered what Sero would want with you. Did you do something wrong? Did he hate you? Or was It the opposite? Did he love you?

‘No. He wouldn't love me...’ You thought too yourself, In your anxious mind. You hope for the best and responded.

‘Sure! I can't meet up, Since I'm waiting for my hair too dry, But I can call, Sure!’ You respond, Hoping Hanta wouldn't mind.

You go over too messanger on your newly bought phone and go over too Sero's contact. I called him.

“Hey, S-Sero-Kun! What did you wanna talk about?” You ask the black-haired male.

Damnit, Sero. || Sero Hanta X Reader.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt