Episode 3

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"Rox, Come on! You are going to miss your flight if you don't hurry your ass up!" Luna yells from the living room.

"Okay!" I yell I hear the door open indicating she went to the car. I wheel my suitcase down to the car. Iz and Bentley were dropping me off. We arrive at the airport. I hug Mason, Isabel, and Bentley. Then I hug Luna.

"Be safe," She says.

"Okay," I reply. We walk into the terminal. I get into my seat and prepare for the flight.

- After the flight-

I hug Bryce when I see him. We get in the car and drive to Sway. 

"Blake said he was sleeping," Bryce says I nod and walk inside quietly. I walk to his room and get into bed with him. I kiss his cheek he moves.

"mmm," He hums. I kiss him again. He opens his eyes.


"Hi," I say he sits up and pulls me into a hug. I hugged him back I missed his hugs even though I saw him last week it didn't matter to me.

"I missed you,"

"I missed you too," I say.

"Hey love birds, Um Rox, I'm going to Nach to get Coop wanna come?" Nessa asks I kiss Vinnie.

"Yeah, I haven't seen the girls in a while," I say. I hadn't seen the girls since about 2 weeks when Vinnie and I started dating. I get up and go with Nessa. We get to NACH. I open the door and walk inside, The girls were surprised to see me. I hug all of them.

"Can I see that tat?" Sabrina asks I nod and pull my shirt up.

"Oh my god it actually looks really good," She says.

"Thanks, It hurt a lot though," I say she smiles. 

"Ugh I missed you," She says hugging me again.

"Where's Anna?" I ask.

"In her room," She says I smile and go to her room. 

"Anna!" I say opening the door.

"Rox? You're back?" She asks smiling and walking over to hug me.

"Not officially just visiting," I say. She frowns.

"I heard you have a nephew can I see?" She asks I smile and show her him. There was a picture with me, Vinnie, and Mason together on my lock screen.

"So How are you and Vinnie?" She asks I sit on her bed with her.

"Amazing, But I bought a crib for my soon-to-be stepsister, She's having a baby and I wanted to do something nice," I say she looks at me.

"Well, how much was it?" She asks.

"Expensive," I say she smiles. 

"Well I'm only here for a week," I say she nods.

"And we will have as much fun as we can," She says. My phone rings.

"Um excuse me," I say getting up to answer the phone.

"Hello," I say.


"That was fast," 

"Well, I just got in like 2 hours ago," I smiled and hung up.

"What? Who was it?" Anna asked.

"My stepbrother's wife is having contractions, the baby is coming!!!" I say she smiles.

"I have to call Vinnie," I say she nods.

"Vin," I say.

"What? What's wrong?" he asks.

"Stacy is having contractions, They are on their way to the hospital," I say.

"Well, what do you wanna do?" He asked.

"I want to be with you, I mean I literally just got to LA, I don't want to leave you again," I say.

"It's okay, If you want to go see the baby go ahead," He says.

"No, I'm not leaving you," I say. He sighs.

"I can face time them," I say. We talk for a bit more then I hang up. I walked downstairs with Anna.

"I'm going back to Sway, My sorta sister-in-law is having her baby," I say they nod.

"I ordered an uber, So I will see you, girls, soon," I say hugging each one of them. My phone went off letting me know my uber is here. I walked out of the house and outside. I get in the uber and they drive to Sway. When I get out I go to Vinnie's room. I knew they were probably already at the hospital by now. Vinnie was in his gaming chair. I kissed his cheek and wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you," I say.

"I love you too," He says. I sit on his bed watching Tiktok and waiting for Mark to face time me.

About 10 minutes later I get the call. I walk over to Vinnie and sit on his lap. He places his hands on my thighs. I answer.

"Is she in the room yet?" I ask.

"They just brought her back, Somethings wrong, She's been screaming, and blood was coming out not like period blood," He said I frowned.

"Will she be okay?" I ask he shrugs.

"I hope, and I hope the baby is too, I don't know what I would do without them," He says.

"I wish I was there to hug you," I say. 

"Call me when you know what's up," I say he nods.

"Love you M," I say.

"Love you too Rox," He says I hang up and lean back on Vinnie.

"I hope everything's okay," I said.

"Me too," He responds. I lay on him for a while as he plays his game until I fall asleep. I missed his touch, So fucking much. About 2 hours later I heard my phone ring. I sit up rubbing my eyes. I realized I wasn't on Vinnie anymore. I sit up realizing I'm in his bed. He is in his gaming chair and it's dark outside. I grab my phone. 


"Vinnie?" He has his headset on he probably can't hear me I answer the phone and lay back down.

"Hey Mark, What's up," I ask.

"She had a placental eruption Or something like that I don't know," He said.

"Placental abruption, and are they both okay?" I ask.

"Well, They said it's caused by the baby not getting enough oxygen and or nutrients, side effects to it is the baby might have growing problems or premature birth," He said.

"But yeah, They are okay," He said. 

"Okay, I'm glad," I say.

"She's coming home tomorrow night, But she says she misses you," I smile.

"I miss her too," I say.


After a while, Vinnie got into bed with me. We ordered food and watched some show Vinnie was watching and fell asleep.


Adrianna Talks🍿☕

Damn, This chapter was so bland, I literally miss when Luna writes with me she helps me out. But, Luna is actually in Hawaii right now, Her grandma had a stroke and she lives somewhere in Hawaii I think she said Kauai. She facetime me every day but the time zones are different they are 5 hours behind us. I'm on ft with her right now she says it's 1:52 PM there. I miss her :(

I hope you enjoyed this. 

I love y'all <3

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